View Full Version : What do you think triggered your anxiety?

30-06-06, 09:40
What does everyone think was the trigger for them first starting to suffer with Anxiety? I'm not talking about what triggers attacks here, but what people think was the very first thing that made them anxious in the first place...

For me, I think it is all related to a car accident I was in when I was 18 months old. I don't remember the accident, but from the court papers I was given when I turned 18 and received my compensation for my injuries I know that the crash caused the windows in the car to shatter, and then, when I was about 3 or 4 years old (it went on until I was about 8!) there is another entry that says I was on a bus with my mum, and somehow one of the windows smashed and I started screaming and crying that it was "like daddy's car", so obviously something in my subconscious remembered the accident, even though I was so young at the time. Nothing else really happened until I was 14 or 15 and on my way on the bus to my work experience placement for school. Again, a window smashed somewhere, and suddenly I remember being in a real panic. That's the earliest memory I have of having a PA, and my anxiety really kicked in a few months later, in the summer holidays, so I can't help but think that the three incidents are somehow connected, and that subconsciously I remember our original car accident...

Leah xx

--- Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.

30-06-06, 10:55
The Drs think mine was due to being sexually abused 2 weeks after having my first son.

Take care



30-06-06, 10:59
Hi Leah,

Mine started when my dad died with cancer over 10 years ago hence my health anxiety.

Take Care



30-06-06, 11:01
Nothing really that's the annoying part. I put it down to my personality. A born worrier and over sensitive always trying to please etc...

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

30-06-06, 12:02
Im with Pips.
Born worrier.....always have been.
But it got real bad when I first moved out of home!!!!!

I only ever feel safe round certain people!

Hay x

april tones
30-06-06, 12:36
Hi, i was born worrier also!
Its in my genes on my dads side! My poor dad is loads worse than me and i really feel for him but he wont get help or speak to anyone, just blocks it out with doing sports and always on go!

Mine started after 3 long years of drug abuse,termination,Something which happened with a ex boyfriend!

april xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

30-06-06, 12:41
Mine was triggered by bullying plus my Mum is a worrier so I think it's genetic too.

Scooties Back

30-06-06, 14:17
I am a born worrier too - runs in the family. I think mine first stated when I was doing exams at 16 - certainly the panic did but I can remember feeling anxious before then.

I have mostly health anxiety which has been a lot worse since I had the children - being a parent makes you very aware of your own mortality!

Jo Fitzgerald

30-06-06, 14:30
of me dad!! i was not a worrier at all until 4 yrs ago- me dads been nervous all his life about everything, though he has never had a panic attack!! not only did he pass on his height to me he passed on his nerves- cheers daddy!!! lol

Ma Larkin
30-06-06, 15:12
My anxiety/depression started with a failed relationship & happened every time I split up with a boyfriend or got divorced. My panic attacks started within an hour of me being admitted to hospital after taking an overdose, tablets would have caused cardiac arrest. I still panic now and its left me with health anxiety because I only have heart symptoms so I'm convinced the tablets damaged my heart, even though I have had ECG's. I hate it. Funnily enough, breaking-up doesn't bother me now!

30-06-06, 16:10
Hi Leah
I think mine was crap lifestyle - doing too many hours at work, too much alcohol, poor diet, no exercise and no relaxation time. It built up to a point where I started having palpatations and went from there really.
Love Helen

marie ross
30-06-06, 16:27
Hi Leah,

I'm just a constant worrier, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I've always been shy, i think my kids have got more confidence than me!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

30-06-06, 16:45
Probably born hypersensitive, but I see a lot of it due to being separated from my family for six weeks when aged 5. My mum was seriously ill in hospital and my elder brother was cared for my my Dad and neighbours, whilst I , needing more attention, had to stay with my aunt 20 miles away.

Its possible that the epilepsy I had between ages 11 and 23 was brought on my sensitivies (my parents never got on and later split). That just added to my hang-ups and bottled these up for many years.

Eventually, the bubble burst and I started having panic attacks many years later and the tolls of other things caused this to develop into GAD.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

30-06-06, 18:38
I have never been a worrier, always easy-going (take after my dad)
I had hypnotherapy, and it brought back a memory of one time my mum and dad went out one evening, I would be about 10 or 11, and they didn't get home till late. I could remember standing in the bay window at home wondering where they were.

Now I like to know where my family is incase I need to get in touch with them. My husband especially. The therapist said that is were it all comes from. The little girl inside me is still scared.

Jenny xxxxx

Two heads
30-06-06, 19:08
Ive only been suffering since december,but i think a number of things have triggered mine.relationship probs 4 years ago,loss of pregnacy 2 years ago,and my hormones after my baby was born in may last year,and the stress of no sleep!!!
Afew things in the far past maybe as wellxx

30-06-06, 20:20
I have noticed that things have got increasingly worse since I had the children - they are 4 and 3 years. I do think that hormones have certainly intensified the stressed out feelings.

Jo Fitzgerald

30-06-06, 20:20

My anxiety started around 10 years ago, i was held at knife point in a armed robbery at a store where i worked, i lost alot of confidence after that episode, and lost my trust in many people and wouldnt go out alone, 2 years later i was diagnosed with agorophobia, i am doing good lately though on the road to recovery thanks to this site.



polly daydream
30-06-06, 21:16
A defo drop in oestrogen caused mine, due to early menopause.

Best wishes,


30-06-06, 21:39

mine was when my partner suffered two heart attacks within 3 months at the age of 40

i havent been the same since as i think that i am going to have the same thing happen to me

silly really but thats just the way my mind works

take care

ruth x x x

01-07-06, 00:59
A build up of tension having lots of issues to deal with,mind games from an ex boyfriend, grieving, experimenting with drugs, all resulting in a massive panic attack, years of fear followed as i couldnt talk to anyone and didnt know what the hell was happening!

Take care xx

01-07-06, 08:19
Cannabis triggered mine, god I remember it so well, it was the most frightening experience of my life, I swore I was going insane and wanted mum to take me to a mental instituation[:I] After 6 months or so I was fine, then a few years later I was having a few drinks with friends and it came on again!! for no apparant reason, I was having such a good time and it just came on, the spacey feeling after that lasted about 2 years, it was awful, And more reecntly the last anxiety attack I had was actually caused by reading symptoms of anxiety on a medical board..

01-07-06, 09:55
I started suffering form depression as a young child and became anxious in my 20s. It all came about because I was brought up by an emotionally abusive alcoholic, bipolar mother nad pedophile father. I was constantly told I wasn't good enough, evil and wicked. In my teens my mother forced me to date a boy I hated and threatened me if I dind't go out with him. I also watched my mother beat my grandmother. I finally lfet home at 25 (yeah I know) and joined a church who ostricised me for no reason and started gossip. I then went on antidepressants. I lost numerous jobs, got accused of stealing, had a miscarraige and got diagnosed with a rare disorder. That takes us up to now.

02-07-06, 10:02
i am never sure what stated me off i think i have always been an anxiuose person even when very young i have read lots of things that can trigger panic attack anxiety off one was a big electric shock round about the age of nearly 11 i had one of those i ran out the house screaming said i was going to die and afraid to sleep that night but alot of other stuff happend to me that could have helped like in 1962 my mum had ye another baby 5th one at home as her first baby was adopted to our auntie any way 1963 my grandmother died and she was like a 2nd mum to me i was only 8 i creid for so long
1964 mum had another baby we moved house so new school i hated it then within twoo years of moveing there and i started seccondy school my life went paer shapped at age 12 and stayed that way i am now50 but i also read it could stem from a stressfull dilervry and my mam tells me she did have a bad time and i was 5 wks early any way sorry it goes on but would like to hear from others trish

02-07-06, 10:13
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">i am never sure what stated me off i think i have always been an anxiuose person even when very young i have read lots of things that can trigger panic attack anxiety off one was a big electric shock round about the age of nearly 11 i had one of those i ran out the house screaming said i was going to die and afraid to sleep that night but alot of other stuff happend to me that could have helped like in 1962 my mum had ye another baby 5th one at home as her first baby was adopted to our auntie any way 1963 my grandmother died and she was like a 2nd mum to me i was only 8 i creid for so long
1964 mum had another baby we moved house so new school i hated it then within twoo years of moveing there and i started seccondy school my life went paer shapped at age 12 and stayed that way i am now50 but i also read it could stem from a stressfull dilervry and my mam tells me she did have a bad time and i was 5 wks early any way sorry it goes on but would like to hear from others trish

<div align="right">Originally posted by trish1955 - 02 July 2006 : 11:02:18</div id="right">could any one with simler issues pm me
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

02-07-06, 17:23
Hi, good idea for a post.

I was working in a shop and within a few days of eachother I had a claw hammer held in my face by a guy trying to rob the place and also a man walked in and had a heart attack and died right in front of me. I had to stand there and watch people trying to resussitate him it was awful.Shortly after these two separate incidents I had a huge panic attack whilst at work (actually serving a customer) and then I had to leave my job as things just got so much worse, and here I am 6 years later still suffering.

Angie xx

03-07-06, 17:41
I have probably been a bit of an over thinker, but I suppose it all happend to me when I ended up in hospital and nearly died. After that I just became soo consumed by my health and being ok that I forgot to live! I am getting better now, I still have my secret panics when I have a pain in a place I can't explain but now I just put it all to the back of my mind and try to forget about it. I found the more I thought or dwelled on something that was when panic would set it.

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

04-07-06, 11:42
I'm not really sure...........I always had low self esteem...........and there were a lot of deaths in my family before I turned 15 - the worst being that of my younger (11 yo ) brother who was killed in a car accident on my Dad's birthday - my Dad's best friend and next door neighbour was driving he car................my Dad also nearly died in the same accident and has had health problems ever since.............and sadly my mother never got over the death of her baby and has been an alcoholic ever since..............she has been in that many near death situations and I have received that many late night goodbye calls that I have lost count. (she is an abusive, self harming violent alcoholic).........basically my family was ripped apart the day my brother died and from that day on I tried to be wonderwoman - never making any waves always trying to be the perfect daughter, friend, wife and employee and then when I moved to Viet Nam over 2 years ago on a wild adventure before settling down and having children I started having panic attacks.......since then my day to day life has never been the same and like all of you I live with this daily torture......................but with the hope that one day I will emerge so much stronger for having been through this.

Touch Rugby
21-02-11, 14:22
I've always been laid back but to much work stressed me out then I took to overdoing the drink and it spirraled from there. Also probably the fact that my then wife was sleeping around and I found out but decided not to say anything and try and make it work. Bottling things like that up is not a good idea!

21-02-11, 15:58
I'm also a born worrier but I started having panic attack-like symptoms when I was 5 - I heard voices and would feel dizzy and terrified. My Dad thinks this was caused by my asthma as the panic attacks came at a certain time of night and this was at around the same time I had previously woken up unable to breathe due to asthma when I was a toddler.

21-02-11, 18:08
Genes!! and overwork. Always worried but I'd say the tipping point was working too hard running my own business....since then it's been tough.

21-02-11, 22:06
School! I (apparently) was absolutely fine until I started school... I don't remember a time before the anxiety. Every day was a nightmare for my mum I would refuse to go to school, I wouldn't socialise, I would want to quit every activity I did. Everything always felt so overwhelming. I have always had problems with depression and anxiety. I just think I was born that way. The only thing I remember starting and not always being there was OCD and that started when I was 11 and I have no clue what triggered it.

21-02-11, 22:11
mm i thinck my factors triggers is when i start my new work ....

21-02-11, 23:25
anxious/depressed as a child, school bullying, failed relationships, job losses, alcohol abuse, various forays with cannabis, ecstasy and amphetamines, subsequent addiction to tranquillisers and opiate painkillers. I would say all that triggered it really.

22-02-11, 19:19
A very traumatic birth with my son set me off........................still can't believe it happened to me. I was always sooooo confident as self assured.....now i am terrified to go into a shop!! :-(

23-02-11, 09:30
Born worrier, oversensitive already in the primary school. Always tense, twisting my legs, trying to be invisible (and at the same time 'visible' as I always wanted to be good at things, at work, etc. Agoraphobia and GA were triggered whan at the age of 29 I was followed by a security officer, then subjected to long hearings, eventually had to change my good embassy job for a another, dull, boring but still stressful. Years passed and now being an oldie of 69 I still suffer from Ag, GA, and practically have never been of some or other medication. Excuse my English... Maudlin

23-02-11, 10:07
Childhood - my mum and dad weren't meant to be together. My mum took epileptic fits, which were dismissed as panic attacks. I was left at 3 years old to help her - my dad refused to - and I have memories of her collapsing in many places with me telling the paramedics what was wrong. Several big incidents that give me nightmares - too much to go into. Once started at school the bullying started - and didnt stop. Sister then started to get agressive and was diagnosed as severely autistic.. I was diagnosed as dyspraxic. Grandparents began to criticise me - was called fat from the age of 8 up. Never had good self esteem. Been in and out of hospitals and doctors all my life - I've always had health problems and so's my mum/sister. Basically huge combination of factors that exploded when GP started to talk to me when I was 16 - opened a can of worms basically that has never been closed again. It's like I'm making up now for all the feelings I hid back then, if that makes sense.

23-02-11, 17:43
Having a mentally ill mother. I was raped when I was 17 and a few harmful and failed relationships.

23-02-11, 18:43
This thread is a really good one.
It is so sad that so many people go through so much awful stuff and then it affects them for years afterwards.
I would write what triggered mine, but I just can't do it. I can and I can't somehow.
Sending hugs to all those people that have been through awful times :weep:

sarah jayne
23-02-11, 18:54
mine started after having my second child, i think i went back 2 work 2 soon, he was only 6 weeks old and i was working 6 days a week, sometimes 7 i started getting chest pains and started feeling really tired and ill then when rhys was nearly 1 i had a breakdown well i think it was one, i was off work for 6 months, hardley got off the settee, had daily panic attacks thinking i was gonna die all the time i was also diagnosed with depression, i hardly left the house for 6 months, i only felt safe wen my hubby was with me. I wish i had listened to my hubby when he told me not to go back to work too soon but i was just trying to do the best for my family and bring us more money in :(

24-02-11, 22:38
I'm fairly sure mine was triggered by a number of deaths when I was in high school. From grade 9-12 seven young people from my school died. Most of them were suicide, one was from cancer, but the one that got me hardest was a friend of mine who died from a random, freak infection. He was 16, I was 15. I still don't really know what happened to him - he went home sick with a horrible fever on Monday and died on the way to the hospital on Wednesday night. This will be four years ago in September and for the month afterwards I was very upset about it, but none of my friends would talk about it. Everyone just sort of pretended it never happened and I know other friends of mine never properly dealt with it either. At least two of them that I know of also have issues with anxiety. In the time since many wonderful things have happened in my life but I had a very difficult year last year at uni/identity crisis stuff as well as dealing with the fact that with my rounding the corner to my 20s, my parents and grandparents who I am very close with are also getting older (my grandfather's 80 and he's started talking about not being around for much longer, despite the fact that he's in great health and he's survived two bypass surgeries!) all snowballed, along with my being a worrier to begin with and genetics, and have come out recently in my worrying horribly about my own mortality. Nice thing about this forum is that I know I'm not alone. My thoughts are with all of you who've been through hard times :)

02-03-11, 16:48
Think i've always been oversensitive and anxious, was always quiet at school and had low self esteem. Lived in fear of being "battered" all the way through high school as i was intelligent and people thought i was stuck up, so started to purposely play myself down so nobody would notice me.

Anxiety and stress definately got worse at the age of 19, we found out my dad was having an affair when the other woman's husband turned up at the door and showed my mum the text messages from my dad saying he couldnt wait to look after this other woman's children. It was like a stress switch pinged on and hasn't went off since. After that i dropped out of uni, broke up with my boyfriend, started smoking weed, my grandfather died, my mum then my sister (closest family) moved 500 miles away, was bullied at work, almost went bankrupt.. Last 5 years have been one thing after another!

Feel like the years where i was just starting to make my way in the world were taken away from me by my dad's affair.. now i'm in my mid twenties and have absolutely no confidence, self esteem and nothing to show for my life.

06-06-12, 02:36
I'm interested that so many of you have mentioned a genetic predisposition to anxiety etc. My dad has always been what I would call a "stresshead", and I remember now him telling me (years later) that he also had panic attacks over travelling after the car accident we had (understandable), and his intense nerves before a performance (he was an actor in my youth). My mum would walk miles with him to help calm him down. More recently she has done the same with me - poor mum :(

06-06-12, 06:45
I wasn't born anxious or worried but I lived it from the day I got home. I will not say to much because it may trigger someone but I know exactly why I have the issues I had and have and now I am working hard at letting go and feeling free to be who I was meant to be.

06-06-12, 11:38
Mine started when I was three and I was sexually abused by my older brothers friend. I was prone to it from my family, but thats when it started. From that point on men have been awful to me. I think the trial and ect after the abuse made more of an impact on me though. I was put into therapy and for a really long time I would only let my mum hug me. No one else. I then wouldn't sleep alone, wouldn't do things that involved touching others and feared men. I remember being in grade one and we would play freeze tag. To untag someone had to crawl between your legs. I refused and ended up balling on the side after my teacher tried to make me play. I didn't understand it then, I just new it was uncomfortable for me. Then my Dad left and my brothers started acting really awful to me. I would be my mother not to leave us with my older brother because he would threaten us and would lock me in my room or even outside. My twin now doesn't care about me at all. He knows I have GA and OCD, but he still does things that make me upset: chewing loudly, walking around in his underwear, making loud and sudden noises, bossing me around, threatening me and just being disgusting.

I guess Men are my number one issue. I wonder if I'll ever be able to have a relationship with a guy.

06-06-12, 13:29
mine Started November 2011 when i went down with a stomach virus (vomiting and diarrhea), knocked me stupid, I was convinced I was dying.

---------- Post added at 13:29 ---------- Previous post was at 13:26 ----------

P.S. much better now though, thanks to my GP and sertraline

06-06-12, 17:58
i can remember being nervous as a child i can remember being really young and laying awake thinking i couldent breathe i always ended up in my mum and dads room sleeping at the end of the bed every night.
weird but i always felt better there.
then it came and went through the years with different things.

06-06-12, 18:04
Even though I was confident on the outside when I was a child/teenager, it was just a front. My mum moved away from me when I was 3, don't know if that had anything to do with it. Struggled with self esteem through 20's, drank and smoked too much, lived life in the fast lane, had a nervous breakdown when I was 30, eighteen years later I am still struggling with panic, social phobia and depression.
Lots more serious things happened, but too long a story.........................

06-06-12, 18:47
Mine was being bullied severely in the workplace - first job was 18 for the Inland Revenue and my life was made hell - dare not say boo to a goose then - the job broke me down - left at 21 years and that was the trigger of it all. I am 48 now - not been all bad but have had relapses here and there - longest symptom free was 15 years on Prozac - trigger again my dog dying suddenly in Oct 2011. Not felt well since.


09-12-12, 12:02
Nothing really that's the annoying part. I put it down to my personality. A born worrier and over sensitive always trying to please etc...

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

This, and also secretly smoking cigarettes in 2009, I think it might have been the cigarettes mostly because I was fine before,

09-12-12, 14:04
That's an old thread but i saw it and would like to comment.
I also started looking for family history after being diagnosed with GAD, and my dad told me that my great grandmother have been saying allot that she felt she was dying. She was physically fine but she was oftens saying that she felt unreal and passing out.
Mind it was in the last century and all main psychiatry flourished in 60-70 of this century. Before all these symptoms would be diagnosed as "madness".
she lived long life and never been diagnosed with anything psychological.
One of my brothers suffers from panic attacks but controls it. My dad just had a heart attack due to stress, I guess we all are a bit of nervous wrecks, hard to say but makes more sense I suppose to look at it like that for me.

I also believe that by knowing that I can manage it better.

09-12-12, 14:30
I was nervous and timid as a child (that is what my school reports say) I was however bullied in Junior school. I have so many traumatic events that I can't really say if it was triggered by those or genetic or a bit of both. My Dad suffered from anxiety for many years and his Mum was on medication for anxiety. My Dad's great grandparents on his Fathers side both hung themselves. My Mam's family are all worriers so I guess it didn't leave much hope for me!!! The other family members of my generation though are all fine and anxiety free.

09-12-12, 16:22
Low self esteem and confidence.

At school I always had to work so hard to keep up with everyone and have forged a sort of perfectionist personailty trait. I made it to the top of my career very young through sheer hard graft and a few bits of luck, but once I got there and had a family I have spent time, and energy, being scared that I am not worthy enough to stay there (because I cannot commit 100% 24/7 due to being a parent) and will one day fail big time and lose everything. I very definitely suffer from catastrophic thinking.

09-12-12, 17:02
For me it was a life-saving brain operation when I was 12. Before the op I thought I would die (nearly did). So it's down to trauma I think.

Since then I've had constant derealisation and anxiety (also major depressive episodes).

I was a nervous child before that, I had a hand-washing phase I remember too.


11-12-12, 00:15
Mhmm, I'm almost sure mine was triggered due to secondary school. I had a lot of issues there (I won't go into details), and since then it has made me worse.

03-01-16, 15:37
Nothing really that's the annoying part. I put it down to my personality. A born worrier and over sensitive always trying to please etc...

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

03-01-16, 18:46
I was generally shy a lot all my life but I accidentally sat down to watch "The Core" with my parents one day and got extremely freaked out, obviously I was already vulnerable though, or else simply watching The Core wouldn't have been so bad. Also, a radio talk show about health or something was playing and it said that a fast heart beat was bad. Idk which one came first and which one started the feeling like nothing was safe and that the only way I would feel better was just "not to think about it" but it was one or both of those things when I was very young. After that, I spent a few years getting random things that I was convinced were all in my head, like the feeling that there was no air left in the atmosphere. For 2 years I had this feeling in my throat that was maddening to the point of whimpering and just wishing that I would stop thinking about I because I "knew" that it was all in my head. And then for idk how long, probably a year, I had this rushing sound in my ear that never went away because I assumed that it was once again "all in my head". During and after this I never got any rest, complete inner tension, the only times it let up were when I watched movies that truly engaged me and enraptured me like Inception. Those times were so good because the tension let up finally that the movies that actually did that became the best movies in the world to me and I nearly cry when I listen to their soundtracks.

18-01-16, 14:35

18-01-16, 23:43
When I was 6 months pregnant my mum died suddenly from Lymphoma. She never got to meet her first grandchild. Then when our son was 9 my husband collapsed one day, I called an ambulance thinking he'd had some kind of epileptic fit and when we got to the hospital the nurses told me to go home and get him some pyjamas and stuff as looked like he would be staying in the night whilst they ran some tests. He was fine by then and wanted to go home but they said no, they needed to do some blood tests and stuff. Anyway, I was only gone an hour and when I got back I was taken into a room and told that they had done a CT scan of his head and he had a massive brain tumour. He was dead 16 weeks later...

19-01-16, 20:08
mine was down to claustrophobia I had trouble with tight spaces and then had a couple traumers due to it

Sucks but I've been a worrier all my life, my mum has anxiety too since her mum died when she was young.

20-01-16, 12:32
Mine started in primary school. We were getting a talk about don't talk to strangers and that people were giving out LSD to kids and out of nowhere I got the thought of "what if you have been poisoned by LSD? What if its on you right now, seeping into your skin? You're going to die if you don't scrub" and I ran to the toilet and I scrubbed until my hands were agony. I was only 6 then and little did I know that was the start of OCD for me. Nearly 20 years on, drugs are still my main contamination fear. My mum has severe OCD too which germs mainly so I saw her with it while I was growing up and she also suffers from panic attacks too like me so genetics and what I saw growing up wouldn't have helped.

21-01-16, 05:10
Mine started in primary school. We were getting a talk about don't talk to strangers and that people were giving out LSD to kids and out of nowhere I got the thought of "what if you have been poisoned by LSD? What if its on you right now, seeping into your skin? You're going to die if you don't scrub" and I ran to the toilet and I scrubbed until my hands were agony. I was only 6 then and little did I know that was the start of OCD for me. Nearly 20 years on, drugs are still my main contamination fear. My mum has severe OCD too which germs mainly so I saw her with it while I was growing up and she also suffers from panic attacks too like me so genetics and what I saw growing up wouldn't have helped.

So, do you think it more about controlling the behaviours of strangers or the poisoning itself?

That sounds like a really bad thing to scare children with. I don't think they needed to mention specific drugs and lets face it, what would that mean to 6 year olds? It's a real shame that your anxiety has been initially caused by a poorly conducted safety briefing. :doh:

21-01-16, 05:21
So, do you think it more about controlling the behaviours of strangers or the poisoning itself?

That sounds like a really bad thing to scare children with. I don't think they needed to mention specific drugs and lets face it, what would that mean to 6 year olds? It's a real shame that your anxiety has been initially caused by a poorly conducted safety briefing. :doh:
Hmm I don't know tbh. At first I thought its more to do with the poisoning itself but then I remembered just how much I distrust people, especially strangers and fear they do anything to me, not just drug/poison me so I think my fear of people's behaviour or possible actions because I have no control over what someone else does gets to me more.

Yeah it sucks that I got that lecture at such a young age. I went to a small primary school of about 80 pupils so they just lumped us altogether for assemblies and announcements like that so the stuff like older kids heard, the younger ones heard too. I would have still got OCD though I think even if that didn't happen, it would have just been over something else or maybe the same thing later in life. Shortly after the LSD fear, it happened with bees. If I saw a bee, one came near me or even saw a cute cartoon one in a book, I felt contaminated and ill and my first urge was to wash myself and I would 'die or be harmed' if I didn't and that trait is still with me to this day.

21-01-16, 06:26
I think things like bees & wasps evoke that in many of us once you have been stung as a child, I know I had some of that. I don't mind bees as I know they are helpful creatures but I would eradicate wasps from the planet if I had a chance! :yesyes: (at least the pointless ones we have in the UK) But yes, I see what you mean, that's quite different to just feeling afraid of a sting and backing away.

It sounds like a good thing to explore in your therapy. It's obviously some form of core belief or group of, maybe a core with an "attached core" as they call them. The therapist may not need to work with that detail but if it helps them devise a strategy, it seems worth a chat.

It may even be more specific in that it revolves around strangers and certain things that you could come into contact with. I say that because we are all strangers on here and you always seem open & friendly. If someone is on the back foot when they post, it often shows, but I've never seen that in you.

22-01-16, 14:10
I never knew my mother. She abandoned me as a baby. Being deprived of that maternal nurturing robbed me of certain mechanisms essential to successfully negoiating everyday life. I'm easily traumatised. And I'm constantly afraid.

Cheers mum!

24-01-16, 13:07
I think things like bees & wasps evoke that in many of us once you have been stung as a child, I know I had some of that. I don't mind bees as I know they are helpful creatures but I would eradicate wasps from the planet if I had a chance! :yesyes: (at least the pointless ones we have in the UK) But yes, I see what you mean, that's quite different to just feeling afraid of a sting and backing away.

It sounds like a good thing to explore in your therapy. It's obviously some form of core belief or group of, maybe a core with an "attached core" as they call them. The therapist may not need to work with that detail but if it helps them devise a strategy, it seems worth a chat.

It may even be more specific in that it revolves around strangers and certain things that you could come into contact with. I say that because we are all strangers on here and you always seem open & friendly. If someone is on the back foot when they post, it often shows, but I've never seen that in you.
I dread to think what I would actually be like if I did actually ever get stung! I am surprised after all these years that I haven't because I run about like an idiot and scream like a banshee when a bee or wasp comes within 10 feet of me :roflmao:

Yeah I was saying that to my psychologist that I have a fear big fear of strangers and even those I know because I don't have control over preventing them harming me or others but I am a very out going, social-able and talkative person - as my mum says "you'd talk to Auld Nick! :roflmao:". Don't know why that is, just the way I am wired I suppose. I am both like that in real life and online just in real life, dealing with strangers causes my obsessions to become stronger and compulsions often kick in.

24-01-16, 22:54
I don't know, I have suffered since I was 3 years old

24-01-16, 23:10
Aged 20 I was drinking like a fish, got into an argument in a pub and was told a gang was after me. I was looking over my shoulder for about 3 weeks until a panic attack hit. Of course in 1985 there wasn't the level of awareness that exists now. I went to see my GP in desperation and he more or less told me to stop looking inward so much. So anxiety has been my companion ever since, sometimes popping out for a bit but he soon comes back...