View Full Version : queezy tummy? :(

01-04-12, 19:17
Hi sometimes my tummy has been feeling queezy today.

This morning my bowel movement was very umm runny:blush:
and i have an urge to go now again.
Think I might be ill from e-coli.
As ive been working a lot i havnt had a chance to clean the toiler floor etc (i normally do it)
and it was a total yucky place before i did it today . its still not great.
im so scared.

01-04-12, 19:19
Think how many people have upset stomachs are fine. It could be something you ate, it could be a mild bug. Whatever it is, you can't change it so writing about it and dwelling on it won't help. Drink plenty of water and stick to plain foods and it'll soon be fine.

01-04-12, 19:22
OK thanks :)
the queezy feeling is not their all the time hope it goes though don't like this at all! :@
the c word goes through my irrational anxious mind ha.
the toilet was really gross this last week though.

01-04-12, 19:24
You could have a touch of ibs or just a bit of anxiety. I always get loose motions when anxious and anxiety can make you feel queasy too.

01-04-12, 19:28
proberly its just you hear these stories of docs saying someone has ibs and its cancer.
i've felt fine the last few days thats why im confused :/

02-04-12, 05:24
Could be hormones , PMS can cause IBS like symptoms .
Anxiety messes with your digestive system , when you get anxious you go to the bathroom more.
Like animals will often go to the toilet of they get scared :)
I get an upset tummy a lot , chewing gum seems to help for some reason .