View Full Version : My story/symptoms any advice welcome

01-04-12, 21:39

I have never posted on a forum before but i guess there is a first time for everything! I have never considered myself to be the worrying type but have had a pretty rough six months and am begining to wonder if its due to anxiety.

It all started in November when out of the blue i started needing to go to the toilet frequently, I am a otherwise fit young man with no other health concerns, married with a young family. This need to urinate lasted for a few weeks and the GP ruled out anything serious and put it down to a virus. I must admit I did worry that it may be more serious and focused on it more than I should have done.

After a few weeks I developed transient pain that would present in various parts of my body, my ribs felt tender as if they were bruised and the rest of my body ached. I put it down to the virus and tried to forget about it but all the time had a nagging feeling that it was something serious, for want of a better description I just felt something very bad was going to happen. At the same time my usually unbreakable sleep patterns became erratic and I would wake every few hours, I lost my appetite and had a constant sick feeling. I became unable to concentrate on my work and started checking the internet for possible causes (dangerous I Know). My wife told me I had lost all intertest and enthusiasm and had become difficult to live with but was/is very supportive and positive.
It came to a head and one weekend I just broke down in tears, this lasted all weekend, I just felt scared and was convinced i was having a breakdown.

By January my symptoms had begun to change, I would constantly wake with pins and needles in my hands and arms/feet and had the constant feeling of dread from the moment I woke. My face would go numb down the left side and my eye would itch constantly. I developed muscle twitching in my eyes, thigh and calfs that lasted on and off all day everyday. My muscles felt weak and I would shake while doing the simplest of tasks. My legs felt like they would give way at any minuite and my balance was terrible. My fear went into overdrive at this point and I became pre occupied with the thought that i has MS (a thought that I find very difficult to shift). I became aware or every strange feeling in my body that I could attribute to this and it occupied every waking moment.

At the moment all my muscles feel tense and bruised, I twitch on and off all day. I shake and feel weak when I perform the most simple physical tasks (not helped by the fact I have a very physical job). I have discussed my concerns with my GP who has diagnosed me with CFS/ME although I don't agree as fatigue is not my overwhelming symptom. He wants me to leave it a few months and see how I get on and didn't seem concerned at any point even with all the symptoms I presented. I must admit to not having done any exercise over the last year and understand that can have an effect, my diet could also be better but I am in good physical shape. I was very fit I fell walked, ran and did circuits and played squash.

I have never had a panic attack or a problem with anxiety I have alway been very happy and active. Over the last six months I feel like a different person and I feel this fear has taken over me. I dont want to waste the best years of my life worrying about something that I probably don't have but don't see how I can get out of this situation I have found myself in. I guess I question if anxiety can take hold like this and last so long and be so impacting?

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

01-04-12, 23:03
Hi Sp and welcome to the NMP community.
Sorry to hear you have been having such a rough time. Lots of your symptoms do point to anxiety and I can relate to a point having suffered a 'breakdown' in November. I was consumed with fear and would sit shaking from morning till night, afraid of anything and everything. I have suffered PA's on and off for around 6 yrs but this was totally different. I just felt like my whole world had come crashing down on top of me. There was no real rhyme or reason...the usual work/home stress, but nothing major. I have to say with the tiredness....I had this all the time, and for a long time and had convinced myself that I had MS or thyroid issues. Blood tests all came back negative. If you are suffering from anx, you will generally find there are lots of unexplained symptoms including....muscular pain...pins & needles...lethargy...dizziness....dread & fear...etc, etc. And yes, it can completley consume you and last over prolonged periods of time. I wonder if you have been prescribed any meds? It seems a bit harsh for your GP to say leave it a few months and see how you feel. Have you considered a second opinion? Be careful as you may crash and burn as I did. Perhaps some 'time out' may do you good while you are feeling so bad. I ended up having 11 weeks off work and I am still finding things difficult and experiencing terrible PA's. Thankfully I have just started CBT and I am optimistic that in time I will improve. There is lots more to my story but I won't bore you with the details lol. I do hope you find some comfort and answers from this site and wish you well. Hope this helps a little.
Kitti :)