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View Full Version : Proudest moments

30-06-06, 12:20
I've been trying to work on visualisations to improve the way I feel. The exercise requires you to list your proudest moments or times when you recieved praise or felt a sense of accomplishment. Here are mine:

1. At school I won the Victor Ludorum, best athlete on sports day
2. I scored 4 tries in one rugby match
3. In the third year of high school I was in third set for maths. I scored 100% in my end of year exams and then took the set 1 paper. I scored the highest marks in my year on that paper!
4. Gaining an A, two Bs and a C in my A levels- much better than expected.
5. Performing in a band at Uni
6. Working on a television programme and gaining free access to the Ajax Arena in Amsterdam
7. Building my own website after teaching myself web design
8. Organising sports teams and social clubs for my voluntary job.
9. Winning high-jump trials and running for my County

The exercise then asks you to pick out which qualities or characteristics were needed to achieve these feats. With me I think it was determination, belief in myself, desire to be my best.

I feel like I stretched myself and that fear hardly entered into my thinking with any of those things, I just wanted to achieve something. Actually, with a lot of things they just seemed to 'happen'. I guess you have to "be in it to win it" and you have no idea of your own abilities until you put them to the test.

What are everyone elses proudest moments and what characteristics define them?

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.