View Full Version : Hey, I'm new and just started meds... advice?

02-04-12, 01:32
Hey, my name is Tink.

I'm new to this.. :-) Ive had anxiety problems for a couple of years now and always tried to deal with it on my own, but recently I have found myself not wanting to leave to house, having no drive, getting overly stressed at work and not being able to find the eneergy to get up in the morning... which is not like me at all!! So I decided to go see my doctor about it. He perscribed me Sertraline 50mg.

I, nervously, started them 3 days ago and so far I've had quite a few side effects. Shaking alot, disturbed sleep, dry mouth, sore throat, lots of jaw clenching!! (my teeth are sore already) Has anyone else had the same problems?

I'd just like to chat to someone really!
I feel like im going a bit crazy!

Thanks for reading,


02-04-12, 01:36
Hi Tinkerbell06

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-04-12, 15:14
Hi Tinkerbell,

Welcome to NMP, love this site it has saved my life and I have met some lovely people along the way!!

Reading your syptoms I could have written it myself!! Just awjul especially the throat part! It really annoys me. The more you think about it though the more it is there so try not too. (Easier said than done I know)

Take care


02-04-12, 15:41

I am just starting Duloxetine (this morning at 9:15!) and have had a rush of jitters and increased anxiety. I think I can feel a dry mouth coming on too...

I was on Sertraline for 2 weeks back in November and had a dry mouth.. I also remember being spaced out for the first couple of days, followed by some increase in anxiety, but that passed.

I moved onto Mirtazapine, so I can't tell you how those side effects would've changed/disappeared/remained unfortunately. However, it does seem to be the case that there are as many start-up side effects as there are people taking these medicines..