View Full Version : Feeling Good

02-04-12, 08:07
Just wanted to share that I feel im neally back to being me again!
Ive stopped obsessive thinking, stopped trying to remember things... finding it easier to just let things go... not been anxious for ages either...
Went away this weekend, had great time...
And im noticing im not 'checking in' that often to see i how feel... im living in the real world more again, and less in my head...
Been off meds neally 8 months now too...:yesyes:

macc noodle
02-04-12, 08:10
Welldone Stormsky - good to hear GOOD NEWS !!!! :yesyes:

02-04-12, 09:14
Wow that is amazing. Can I ask what helped you. I've just come off citalopram and am having a bit of a dip. I'm gonna work through it just wondering if you have any advice. X

02-04-12, 09:20
Hi Emm, just excercise, diet, lots of water, vit B.
Not spending all your time talking and reading about anxiety... how can you forget it, if you spend all day thinking/reading/talking about it!
Live as if you dont have the condition !!

little wren
02-04-12, 09:22
well done stormsky you must have worked really hard to get where you are...glad you had a good weekend away...x

02-04-12, 09:23
Ty hun. That's a good point. I'm definitely guilty of thinking about it too much at the mo lol. Well done hun. Enjoy the feeling of being well. X

02-04-12, 14:17
Well done Stomsky!!!!!

02-04-12, 14:57
weldone you!! :D

I was just wondering, you say diet and vitamin B has helped,
i am looking at changing my diet and also read VitaminB is good, do you take supplements and also can you roughly tell me what your diet is now? like how many meals and what you avoid, and include. I think it would also help others. So happy for you!

02-04-12, 15:07
Well done stormsky!!!

I have to agree with you!! The less you think about it the better you are!! Its just training your mind!! Have a blip myself today cos woke up feeling all tingley and all I have done all day is think about it!! So I have to agree with you 110%!!

Well done and keep it up!! x x

Kendra x

02-04-12, 15:32
Fantastic well done :yahoo: xx

02-04-12, 15:37
That's really nice to hear. I've seen your posts before Stormsky and I find it very inspiring that you manage without medication.

02-04-12, 16:44
Great news Stormsky.....you are an inspiration to many of us here :) so much of what you say makes sense, it's just so difficult at times to change your thought patterns. Am trying to be more like you and I agree about the vit B, been taking it for a while now. Just got to put all the other stuff into practice lol. I hope you stay and continue to help and inspire others, and wish you continued success in your recovery.
Kitti :) x

02-04-12, 18:28
weldone you!! :D

I was just wondering, you say diet and vitamin B has helped,
i am looking at changing my diet and also read VitaminB is good, do you take supplements and also can you roughly tell me what your diet is now? like how many meals and what you avoid, and include. I think it would also help others. So happy for you!

I take Jarrows B Right, i take one every other day, as they are quite high strengh... i only have about 3 cups of tea a day, then just water, at least 5 glasses... ( i think they say 8 but i cant drink that much!) i add flaxseed to my food,as i read its really good for you... eat fruit, fish, chicken...not processed meat or processed foods, as they have too many preservatives... fresh cook food when i can... Ive been sitting in the sun alot lately, which has given me a boost too i think! (vit D is the feel good vit we get from the sun). which is why everyone generally is happier in summer months!
The biggest think mentally for me, is ive been letting things go, obsessive thoughts id usually keep going over and over etc, its been getting easier to let go, do the more i do it... i dont spend alot of time 'checking in' (as in keep asking yourself how you are feeling)... i read you have to try to stop that and eventually you naturally wont do it as much.... i try to live as if i dont have the condition... and ive been keeping busy and living in the real world more!! less time in my head!! all the little steps like this add up to improving...

---------- Post added at 18:28 ---------- Previous post was at 18:23 ----------

Great news Stormsky.....you are an inspiration to many of us here :) so much of what you say makes sense, it's just so difficult at times to change your thought patterns. Am trying to be more like you and I agree about the vit B, been taking it for a while now. Just got to put all the other stuff into practice lol. I hope you stay and continue to help and inspire others, and wish you continued success in your recovery.
Kitti :) x
thanks kitti.xxx
it is difficult to change thought patterns, but you can do it....
i used to be bad at overthinking everything, everything people said to me, thoughts that popped in my head, questioning, trying to remember things that had no importance... so i decided to let them go... to start with i did it by saying, 'there'll be something else to obsess about later so im going to let this one go, then later when something else came up, id do the same... now i find it easy to just let thoughts go... the more i do it infact, the less they come anyway....

angel wings
02-04-12, 18:33
great news stormsky is so nice to hear that you are doing so well i am a real over thinker and know i need to stop thinking so much about everything but find it hard too ... i am so pleased you have managed to stop the cycle xxxxx :)

02-04-12, 19:47
Forgot to mention exercise too is key to feeling good ! just walking is good... I use my Wii Fit , and walk my dogs, and got a treadmill too.

02-04-12, 20:43
Really good to read Stormsky, particularly when you've done it all by yourself without medication - well done!! I'd also second your comments about exercise being key to good mental health.

05-04-12, 02:27
That's great to hear Stormsky!
Recently I read something that asked "What have you done to aid your recovery?" And I realized that I really haven't been doing as much as I thought I'd been. I haven't made good changes in my diet, my exercise regime lately sucks & I have not been positive enough. I've literally just sat around distracting myself in TV and food and not dealing with my issues. Gah, anyways, it's time to change that.
This is really motivating and inspiring!
Glad to hear you are doing good.

15-04-12, 19:26
Hi Stormsky, just want to add my congratulations that you are doing well, you were the first to reply to both of my threads and your kind words helped immensely. You may not realise how inspirational it is to hear fellow sufferers are doing well, I love the attitude you have towards anxiety and hope I can instill this to.
Keep strong.

15-04-12, 20:01
Thanks for your kind replies guys..
Im still doing good, have the odd bad day, but not so many bad days anymore im glad to say! sometimes i even have GREAT days now! xxx

19-04-12, 17:42
Just caught up with this Stormsky. Well done, keep up the good work and go out there and grab yourself a happy life.

19-04-12, 17:57
well done....enjoy your life again:yesyes:

21-04-12, 07:28
Hi Stormsky,
So glad you are doing sooo well. you are an inspiration to all of us sufferers, & if we all try to do as you have, who knows we may all fully recover. Possitive thinking. Hugs from me x

23-04-12, 11:50
I have to agree with you!! The less you think about it the better you are!! Its just training your mind!! Have a blip myself today cos woke up feeling all tingley and all I have done all day is think about it!! So I have to agree with you 110%!!