View Full Version : day 4 on citalopram and feeling shakey ??

02-04-12, 12:13
hi im on day 4 of taking 10mg of citalopram and im feeling tight chested as if i need to cough all the time and weak and shaky ? after having a shower this morning i felt like my legs were like jelly apart from a headache and these feelings is that normal and does that mean its getting in my system ? i feel worse anxiety wise than i did before i started and ive had to have a day of work just wanted to know if this was normal and am i looking at having to have longer of work

thanks for reading xx

02-04-12, 13:49
hi there i can confidently say that its the citalopram causing yopur extra anxiety and shakes etc......ive been on it 3 weeks and still got the shakes...the anxiety does improve though xx

02-04-12, 15:08
im hoping i start to feel better soon i feel more positive this afternoon but im trying my best to feel better for my holidays in 3 weeks time :) .... hopefully my anxiety should start to ease soon x

02-04-12, 15:44
If you can find some of my recent posts. it will tell you what i did by self medicating with citalopram!!! BIG MISTAKE!!!!!
im now on 20mg per day and its taken almost 4 weeks for my anxiety to get anywhere near a managable level, where im not crying or in distress..but that was because of the stupidly high dose id given myself.
ive definately still got some side effects that i dont like from the dose of 20mg but, i can see a light at the end of the tunnel now ..thanks to everyone and their support on here too!!!!:)