View Full Version : Feeling wound up and not achieving much

30-06-06, 14:00

This week I feel low and wound up and struggling to manage to achieve basic things.

Got a huge list of things to do that keep putting off 'til the next week. ie cleaning entire house, bookkeeping for husband's business, filling tax credit form in, filing, cleaning/washing car, gardening, usual ironing etc.

Just feel as though everybody else has got some order/control in their life and mine is just a usual hotchpotch.

All I've managed to do today is clean bathroom and hoover son's bedroom. Just feel as I should be achieving more and it just doesn't happen and it's getting me down.

I shouldn't really be on here as I should be doing something else.



30-06-06, 14:15
yes but susan you did do those things!!! it could have been worse you could have done nothing.

when i've felt like this i've had to stop beating myself up, and start giving myself credit for what i DID do not what you did'nt.

don't do this to yourself, if your feeling bad it takes all your energy just to live, so you have acheived loads by actually doing anything, you must see that.

don't push yourself and just do a little at a time, don't compare yourself to 'normal' people, i'm sure you have some anxiety disorder as you would'nt be using this forum, but do the people your comparing yourself to have anxiety disorders? i bet they don't.

stop beating yourself up!!!

all the best emmas

marie ross
30-06-06, 16:06
Hi Susan,

I can totally relate to you!! I used to be so organised and was always out doing things, and the house was always spotless, clean sheets, polished, ironing done, etc.

But for the last couple of months its all gone downhill, the fridge is always empty because its such a struggle just to go shopping. My kitchen looks like a dump, theres always washing and ironing to be done, but its always left until its nearly touching the ceiling!!!

I know i hav'nt got the energy like i used to have, but it gets you down when you come home, i just wish i had a utility room where i could chuck it all in and just shut the door. Or even better win the lottery and let someone else do it all (i wish!!!).

Just concentrate on getting better, and you'll find your energy levels will rise, spoil yourself for a while!!!

Take care.

Marie XXX

30-06-06, 16:08
Hi Susan
Try not to see it as a list of things to do, because you never get to the end of lists and they hang over you (I know this from my job as a teacher and the endless lists I used to make!!). I instead do one thing each day and put the other things that need to be done out of your mind until the next day. You've done great today, so don't wory about the other stuff, it will all get done in time.
Love Helen

30-06-06, 18:43
Thanks everybody.

I appreciate your kind words.

Life seemed so more straight forward before kids.

It doesn't help when you get criticised by people for being untidy. I know I am an untidy devil these days - it's as though everything builds up around me beyond my control. I never used to be as bad as this.

I do feel a sense of achievement - that at least the bathroom is clean and the toilets. Just the rest!

Dread people visiting actually sometimes - especially if they turn up out of the blue. Father- in-law coming round tomorrow - sure he thinks I'm useless and will no doubt go reporting to mum in law about what I haven't done.

Feel so inadequate as I'm not superwoman like the mother in law is.

Take care all.



30-06-06, 18:53

Break the list down into smaller chunks...

things that need doing NOW
things that can wait and I don't really need to do straight away
things that don't really need doing atall

If you write a huge list and look at it it can be daunting and seem overwhelming and then what you do is worry about the list and do nothing.

When I looked at the list of what to do for my 40th Birthday I just sat down with a glass of wine and did none of it cos it was all too much. i then delegated jobs to my partner and it made things so much easier!

Make it easier on yourself by doing one thing at a time and accepting that you don't have to do all of it NOW

We are not superhuman and no-one can expect us to be all the time.


30-06-06, 20:22
Thanks Nicola

I will rethink about the list over the weekend and try and be a bit more realistic in what is feasibly possible.

Tonight I'll fetch my washing in and dump it with the rest of the ironing - after sorting out the no need for ironing stuff - dwindle the pile down a bit.

After that I'm doing nothing - as I'm cream crackered and hot.



01-07-06, 09:30
Hi Susan

I can so relate to your situation too. Keeping the house tidy is such a major problem for me. I just can't seem to keep on top of it. I go round to friends and their houses are always spotless and it makes me feel like a total failure.

I talked to my counsellor about this the other day. It's right what emmas said, you can't compare yourself to people who aren't dealing with the things that you are. It really does help to break things down, sort the things out that you feel are most important and try not to worry about the rest.

I normally take one thing at a time like clean the bathroom, then I'll get myself a cup of coffee and have a rest. If I can manage to do something else I will, if not well at least I've achieved one thing.

Try not to be so hard on yourself - anxiety can completely drain you. Just feel good about the things you have managed to do.


01-07-06, 15:07
Hi Rachel

Nice to hear from you - I'm so glad there's more than me out there. Today I've had to go grocery shopping to Asda with my 2.5 yr old - I had to go as the cupboards were bare. I mean what kind of fool would go there on a hot scorching Saturday with a toddler in tow. It got off to a bad start with Nathan throwing a tantrum as he had to sit in the trolley. I had help from some kind customers who directed his deliberately stiff legs into the trolley.

I feel not so wound up today and have started to do a little of the ironing to reduce the pile.

My main problem is that I start a job and never finish it off or I sit and think about a job and never start it.

Things can only get better.

Take care.

