View Full Version : Nice little story

02-04-12, 12:30
My counsellor told me this. I liked it and wanted to share it with you guys, bear with me I might not get it completely right ...

There was once a Zen Master who was talking to his followers about how to reach enlightenment.
He said "There are two ways to reach enlightenment. The first is the usual way, you need to live through many lives and learn many lessons. The second way is by going through that door". He pointed to a doorway.

"Through that doorway are all of your demons. If you go inside the door will close and you can never come back but though there is the path to enlightenment."

Well of course most of his followers weren't keen and off they went thinking they didn't want to have to go and face demons and they would stick with the longer way, but a few remained.

He said to those few.... "there are a couple more things you should know, remember when you enter the doorway you can never come back. The first thing is that when you go through the door and see all your demons, all you need to know is that they are just in your imagination. The second thing is that all you need to do is just keep moving. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. You will get there".


I think it's a nice analogy. Just keep moving forward. It's just your imagination. You'll get there.

I hope everyone is having a positive day today.

02-04-12, 12:45
Hi ems73
Thanks for sharing :)

02-04-12, 13:39
Thats a great story em, thanks for sharing. I wonder if it's as easy as it sounds lol. Stay positive & lots of luck in your journey.
Kitti :)

02-04-12, 14:01
How true! thanks for sharing. :bighug1: