View Full Version : Tight band

02-04-12, 13:17
Hi everyone,

I have recently been getting a feeling like there is a tight band around my upper abdomen just at the bottom of the ribcage. It is so uncomfortable when sitting at my desk at work and sort of feels like I am really bloated or full of air.
Anyone else know what I mean? It's really freaking me out worrying that I have some awful problem in my stomach or something.
Please get in touch if you can offer any advice.

Jane x :)

02-04-12, 13:28
I get this sometimes, i think its just tension, I also get a tight band sensation around my head too.

02-04-12, 15:49
Hi Janei I so get this tight band feeling too in the same place. It can also be lower just above the waist line as well. I dunno if it muscle tension. Do you ever get a writhing sensation around the abs and sides too ? I know I have a sensitive stomach and anxiety. Not sure what makes it arrive or depart but would love to know. A short course of Domperidone didn't shift it.

02-04-12, 23:29
I get this too it's really uncomfortable and difficult to get rid off the tension. I also feel like i cannot breathe properly as well. This has been a major worry for me for a while glad to know it's not just me.

03-04-12, 22:59
I get this sometimes, and it's made worse if I'm wearing something tight. I think it's just muscle tension and disordered breathing. When it happens, I try to take slower breaths deep into my belly then let it out slowly. It you're sitting up, it helps to lean forward or if you can, lay down. I find that laying on my stomach helps the most.