View Full Version : Anxiety or something more ie Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

02-04-12, 19:39
I have been under the GP now for just over six months now, progress is really slow and at my last appointment the GP said is there something we are missing? Something more than anxiety? I've tried a few different antidepressents and now have an extra tablet to take on top of the 150mg venlafaxine, GP says you keep saying the same each time you come. I'm mentally and physically exhausted, constantly feeling drained, find it hard to concentrate, forgetful, tiredness isn't relieved by sleep, sometimes its hard to fall asleep even though I'm exhausted, worrying excessively, feels like I struggle to stay awake most days. I am aware of a condition called chronic fatigue syndrome and it does seem to mirror some of my symptoms, my question is, how do I know if its just anxiety or something like CFS?

02-04-12, 21:07
I convinced myself that I had ME, SAD, MS, Thyroid, etc for a long time before realising how draining anxiety can be on both the mind and body. If you've had all the usual blood tests etc, anxiety could almost certainly be the answer. Also the side effects of some meds can make you feel like this. Hope this helps a little.
Kitti :)

02-04-12, 21:10
Thank you for your reply, it is useful. Yes anxiety is oh so very draining you are right wuith that one. Guess most illnesses can be very similar to each other, thanks again for your supoportive comments Xx

02-04-12, 21:19
No probs hun....look after yourself xx

02-04-12, 21:21
Same to you too xxx

03-04-12, 14:32
I had a really nasty stomach virus last November, was close to collapse with dehydration. It left me the same as you, totally exhausted, couldn't function, even watching T.V. and reading was an effort. When I went to my Doctor to get my blood tested I told her it's as though a 'fuse has blown' and I was convinced the virus had attacked my brain!!!!! She told me I was suffering from depression and anxiety, brought on by chronic fatigue because the virus had knocked me stupid. After trying a few anti-depressants, I'm on Sertraline 100mg now and I'm slowly getting back to normal.
Hope this helps