View Full Version : Medication for anxiety and sleep!!!!

02-04-12, 19:59
Hi everyone
I take 40 mgs of Prozac daily and have done for many yrs, I just wanted to know if anyone knows of or takes a medication that I could take which would help with my anxiety which gets worse before PMS and also help me to sleep, I really am desperate because of the vicious circle of no sleep more anxiety then depersonalization I've tried the odd 2mgs of valium even taking one at 1.30am this morning and I dropped off about 3am to suddenly wake 30 minutes later feeling so anxious!!!! This happens all the time my body must just get to the stage of going onto a deep sleep and I suddenly wake feeling awful
The GP did give me some zoplicone a whole back but only 2 weeks worth because he said they are addictive and I have to say I really am so scared of new medications, there must be some one out there who feels this way and have found a medication that works on anxiety and sleep
Hoping for replys please!

---------- Post added at 19:59 ---------- Previous post was at 19:56 ----------

Forgot to add I was to scared to take the zoplicone

02-04-12, 20:06
I found it got me off to sleep, and is often the AD prescribed for folk who have trouble sleeping.

You will probably have to swap the Prozac for it though, and there's no guarantee it will treat your anxiety completely (it kind of worked for me, but not well enough). Others have had great success with it though!

Hope that helps.

02-04-12, 20:20
Thanks for your reply am at doctors tomoro so
will have a word

02-04-12, 20:23
Mirtazapine is fab for sleep but it did nothing to help my anxiety at all, i use zopiclone with no probs at all x x

02-04-12, 20:31
Thanks Nicola, that actually helps me out as I've just come off Mirtazapine (moved to duloxetine) and am wondering what I'll do if sleep starts to become an issue.

to mandshere2000: If you do switch to Mirtazapine, the first few days you'll get more sleep than you bargained for! After that it settled down quite nicely for me, although others have reported to feeling lethargic throughout the day, even after the first start-up period.

Weight-gain is fairly likely on it too.

02-04-12, 21:13
Hi Nicola
How long have you been on zoplicone and what
dosage, I'm scared to take it.....what does it make you feel
like is it a gradual feeling of tiredness or are you
straight out, I'm just so scared it will make me feel out
of it and then my anxiety will get worse and I am also worried
about doctor saying its addictive so what would I do after the 2
weeks worth he gave me has gone or will it just get me into a
sleeping pattern
Would love to hear how it's helped you

02-04-12, 21:19
Mirtazapine made me a bottomless pit aswel the food cravings were unbelievable i was starving all the time! X x

---------- Post added at 21:19 ---------- Previous post was at 21:15 ----------

Ive been on and off zopiclone 7.5mg for years, its best to take it either half an hour before bed or just as you go to bed, they wont affect your anxiety infact they should help that x x

02-04-12, 21:19
Mirtazapine made me a bottomless pit aswel the food cravings were unbelievable i was starving all the time! X x

Tell me about it! I've had to buy new trousers as a result of my time with Mirtazapine! I virtually hoovered food up..

Just two days off it and I've noticed already how my appetite is back to a more normal range.

granny number 4
02-04-12, 21:40
hi im on 40mg of prozac i take it before bed and i find it helps also i read a book and take a warm bath and glass of milk also they say that eating a banana helps too ,what about going for a long walk to tire you out it might bhelp:)

03-04-12, 20:35

I'm on 20g Proxac and I like you couldn't sleep so the doc put me on Zopliclone and it was great and did the job however it did take me a long time to get off them (8 months in total) but I did it, it can be very addictive.

I now take Trazadone which helps me with sleeping. I find it really helps with the anxiety and sleeping (as it is used for both) and it's not addictive, I went through a stage of not taking it then my anxiety crept back in, it's worth asking your doc about it, it works for me.

Hope you feel better soon x :hugs: