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View Full Version : Thoughts On Being Signed Off From A Health Anxiety Pro!

02-04-12, 20:18
Hi all

I have posted a new video with my thoughts on being signed off work when stressed. Any feedback appreciated, also if you have any questions feel free to reply or inbox me as I have had HA for 15 years on and off and many experiences so If I can help it would be a pleasure



05-04-12, 00:02
Thanks for the video! It was really helpful.

I haven't taken any time off work but I really, really think I need to. I always feel better on the weekends then as soon as I'm back at work, my panic gets progressively worse throughout the week.

What do you tell your colleagues? The biggest thing holding me back is having to face my colleagues. They're all lovely, it's just such a personal thing.

Also, I think I'm backwards. My panic attacks cause HA, not the other way around!

05-04-12, 07:22
Hiya! Glad you found the videos useful. The youtube I have has some different topics on HA so feel free to browse. As I said in the vid I tend to be signed off when a change of meds comes into effect but I find my work distracting so being at work is useful to me. It is my home life that is stressful so it is better for me to be working if at all poss.

I have told people at work but only once. They are aware of my blog site to help other HA/anxiety/depression sufferers and it's amazing how many people have a story where they have suffered anxiety and depression. It is more common that you think and as you say it is a very personal thing. Hence why having HA is almost a taboo when really mental illness is more common than a cold I think!

I think telling people you are stressed and have taken time off work is a good start then take it from there. Let me know your thoughts and hope you are ok
