View Full Version : D & V worries :o(

02-04-12, 21:29
Hi all,

My friends kids have had awful D&V over the weekend. Baby on thursday, youngest boy Saturday and middle boy on Sun. I'm petrified that I'm going to come down with it too :o(

Last saw baby on Thursday afternoon and youngest boy on Friday afternoon.

Would I have got it by now if I was going to get it?

I'm a huge emetophobe so D&V is my worst nightmare :o(

02-04-12, 23:49
yer think you would have had it by now that was days ago
dont worry
god bless

03-04-12, 07:20
I've had D&V before as well as my son,...sure it's my husbands fault as he's in the army and I remember at the time a lot of it was going around his camp.

I couldn't say the time between catching it as it was a good few years back. The only advise is if D&V AVOID dairy products...my son kept throwing up after he had milk or cheese...doctor said it was because of the D&V


03-04-12, 09:44
I feel for you as i'm an emetophobe too. The d&v usually has a 24-48 hour incubation so you would probably have it by now. Hope everything is ok x