View Full Version : Relapses

03-04-12, 11:14
Hi everyone, I'm fairly new here. I've had anxiety for over 10 years now. I had a really great spell for the last 6 months - having an amazing time studying. Now two weeks before my paper is due, I had a full blown nervous breakdown, with anxiety and depression. I know relapses are common and I shouldn't beat myself up over it, but it is so aggravating!

Does anyone have advice regarding relapses? I'd love to hear from anyone, it's so reassuring.

Thanks for any replies!

03-04-12, 11:18
your having a stressful time your work being due... people that dont suffer anx, have feelings similar during this time too...
Dont dwell on relapses, just see it as a small blip, and only concentrate on how good the last 6 months have been...
Dwelling on a relapse will keep it alive longer !

04-04-12, 08:41
I agree with stormsky. Try not to dwell on it and blow it out of all proportion. I too am going through a bit of a relapse after 18 months. I found going through the relaxation stuff helped as well as doing some things you enjoy. I'm starting to come out of mine now which shows it does not need to go back to how it was before. Don't beat yourself up and take it one day at a time. X