View Full Version : My son lymph. Gland issues on verge of panic attack!

03-04-12, 14:37
Hi guys

I know I posted this morning about my sinus issue,,.but something has happened today since I wrote that and now I'm in a right state.....along with my problems please see my other post...my baby girl has a really bad cold or something...I've started feeling like I'm coming down with something again general sense of dizziness, hot flushes etc etc.

I took my son to ENT today as he had a febrile convulsion at school 2 weeks ago from an ear infection that caused his temp to rise...he has had 4 of these in his lifetime since a baby so I knew what was happening.
The doctor saw him and we know he has large tonsils, so he said visit ENT to double check this.....

He always has:

Night Sweats
Swollen glands that have been present for over 2 months.
Nasal drip
He currently has glue ear, confirmed today, hearing test was done and he is borderline which they ink is ok but they want to keep an eye on it.

The ENT doctor just rung me and said they are concerned about the swollen glands, she said there were other lumps in his neck and they want to do a scan and maybe a chest X-Ray...

She said as well he will prob have blood tests and could lead to taking samples of something in his neck...

Then she asked me if I had a Cat? I said no but a Dog....

I'm in compleate panic mode and am starting to feel dizzy, and breathless but I don't know as I've been feeling a bit funny since this morning like I'm getting the flu or something.....

What on earth could be wrong with him? I'm really worried...this is just adding to me HA problem.....

He's 4 years old...

---------- Post added at 14:37 ---------- Previous post was at 13:31 ----------

OMG...I couldn't help it...I've just doctor googled this and it's come up with Cancer...HIV (which is a massive fear for me), and some other odd things....

Im really worried now...I just want my husband to come home from work....

03-04-12, 14:58
Try not to panic, kids can have swollen lymph nodes for loads of reasons. My son is two and has had them since I can remember. He also sweats a lot just after he's first fallen asleep. But he seems active and healthy so I don't worry too much. Plus, he's always got colds and coughs from nursery so it's difficult to know what causes them. Contact with cats can cause cat scratch disease which presents as swollen nodes, but is not very serious. I'm sure the doctors are just being cautious - they seem to be extra cautious with children. But I know how worrying it is - I've panicked and taken my son to the GP about lymph nodes before. I try to calm myself by thinking that I've got a few that I've worried about since I was a teenager and so maybe they're quite common despite the panic that goggling results in.

03-04-12, 14:59
Sorry you are going through this. I don't know what they think is wrong but more than likely swollen glands are due to infections and if your son has glue ear and nasal drip this is probably the cause. Did they say when they will be doing more tests? hang on in there - it will seem better when you are not alone and your husband is home from work.

03-04-12, 15:02
Ah Em,

What a time you are having at the minute , Im not surprised you are starting to panic and in a state I would be the same. They will find out what is wrong with him and it's bound to be nothing as awful as google is suggesting, please try not to do it any more. Have you got anyone to talk to till your husband gets in? xxx

03-04-12, 15:05
Hello. I wish I could say something to help.
I'm currently going through a bad time with lymph nodes myself so I know how scary it can be. I have to wait 'til Thursday for test results and feel as though I'm going mad already. :weep:
My glands are more of a concern to the doctor because I have no signs of a cold, virus or infection whereas your son does, which is a good sign (though it probably doesn't feel that way for you!).

The only comfort I have over my swollen lymph nodes is the fact that the doctors are dealing with it very swiftly. Sounds like your sons getting good care to :)