View Full Version : Hello...Newbie from Liverpool :)

03-04-12, 13:41
Hi there,

I am new to the site. I have been suffering with social anxiety/anxiety for a good few years now. I suffer really really bad with nerves. It really gets me down, I cannot 'do' normal day to day activities without having all of the nasty symptoms that come with this. (trembling/redness/hot etc) I am so embarrassed by them and the way I act so I tend to avoid the situations.

I make excuses with my family and friends and I know they must think I am boring and get annoyed with me.

I am not on any medication for this as I would find it too difficult to go and visit my gp.


03-04-12, 13:42
Hi Cupcake79

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

03-04-12, 14:02
Hey there,

First of all welcome to no more panic. I can completely relate to your worries about being annoying and a burden. I feel exactly like this too. I worry about my friends more than anything else because I don't think they understand and I worry that I frustrate and irritate them. We have to remember that these are people who choose to be our friends and love us despite our difficulties. Imagine how understanding you are of their problems and how quick you would be to help them out. They should do the same for us.

Feel free to message me anytime,


03-04-12, 19:59
Hi Cupcake and :welcome:

You might be surprised at how understanding your GP would be. I hate discussing my anxiety with mine but am always pleased that I did afterwards. Worth a try, what've you got to lose?

Take care

Pip x

03-04-12, 20:06
Hello Cupcake :)

I'm a newbie too, I joined yesterday.

I would agree with what's been said, you might be surprised how easy it is to explain to your doctor how you feel.