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View Full Version : New, Taste in Mouth

03-04-12, 14:09

I am new to this website and am so glad I found it.

Dont really know where to start. I think I have suffered from health anxiety all my life but only really registered it in my late teens when I had my first panic attack which was started by a health worry.

I kept it under cotrol all through my twenties but looking back I had episodes of anxiety but they always passed as the symptom I was worried about passed.

I had lots of panic attacks over the years but worked through them in my own way. For example when I was about 23 I couldnt go to the cinema for fear of being sick or fainting and not being able to get out. I managed to get through this and can now go to the cinema and can even sit in the middle of a row without worrying about getting out.

During my pregnancy three years ago I suffered with terrible panic attacks - always at night. I know I used to bring them on myself through just thinking about them but I couldn't help myslef. I got through it thinking it would stop when I had my baby. Unfortunately after months of hightened anxiety and then weeks of no sleep ( new baby) I was diagnosed with PND and took Citlopram whcih I took for six months and then came off slowley. This was two years ago I came off them and have been totaly fine ever since. I still complained to my husband every night that I had this pain or that but no anxiety with it.

In November 2011 I was quite happily sat at my desk at work when I suddley had a strong metalic taste in my mouth followed by a dizzy spell. I totally paniced and went to the A&E who said I was totally fine and to follwo up with my GP. The metalic taste didnt go away for a week and in that time I had mouth sores and put it down to a mild infection. All was well!

Christmas day 2011 I woke up and this metalic taste was there again and it was there the next day and the next and the next.

I went to the doctor in early January and she did a full MOT on me. Checked Blood Pressure, all blood work to check liver, kidney, thyroid, blood count etc. All came back normal. Told me that it was nothing and would probably go away on its own. IT DIDNT.

I then foud out I was pregnant and thought that this must be the reason it had happend ( although I knew it wasnt as the metalic taste started before I was pregnant). I was then badly sick in my pregnancy and kind of fogot about the taste as I was so neausaus. Although I am sure it was still there.

Unfortuanly I misscarried at 11 weeks pregnant which was almost 5 weeks ago now. Sickness went immediately but taste did not!!

I went back to the doctor and she has tried me on nose sprays and also on ant acid tablets to see if this taste is caused by sinues or acid reflux. NO its not these things as the taste is still there. She has refered my to the ENT but I dont have any other symptoms so not sure its anything to do with that.

I am now in full blown aniety mode all the time except when I am asleep. I have been put back on citlopram ( 10) and am 6 days into taking these. On the weekend I could harly get out of bed.

I am totally obsessed by this taste in my mouth and its on my mind ALL the time. I try desperately to distract myself but it just keeps coming back. I think I am going to go crazy thinking about it.

I have NO other syptoms other than a metalic taste in my mouth. And now an aching jaw as I think I am hoding my mouth so tight. All my food and drink tastes fine so its nothing to do with my taste buds.

I have been to the dentist this week and have perfect teeth with no fillings and no need to have fillings and no other issues he can see in my mouth.

I am a healthy 35 year old woman who has never had any heath problems other than in my head. I very rarley suffer from colds or flu or even sickness bugs. I have only had time off work in the last 5 years for sicness when I was pregnant.

I guess I am looking for support on this from a what can it be point of view. I have Googled it so many times and realise now that this has caused me to propell it into somthing massive. I really though I had a brain tumor pressing on my taste senses in my brain and this was why it was happening. Either that or spinal fluid is leking into my mouth!! I am also scared to death that this taste will never go away and that I will have to have it for the rest of my life and I am not sure how I can cope with that - which then brings on a panic attack.

Can it be that I have created this in my head but I really can taste it!! Also the taste changes, sometimes it metalic and sometime bitter and sometimes its on my toungue and sometime the roof of my mouth and then it seems to come from my back teeth. I am so aware of my mouth that I also fell I have a dry mouth, which I dont.

Has anyone ever had this before?

So sorry for the long post :blush:


03-04-12, 15:07
Hi Rachel and :welcome:,

Sounds like anxiety to me it can manifest itself into all sorts of physical symptoms. If you've had lots of tests to rule anything else out then no doubt it's the nasty anxiety creating it- damn thing!

Rule 1- No googling symptoms or going on symptom forums as you'll only make yourself worry more and fuel the old anxious state so a big NO NO!

Rule 2-10 as above.

I've always had a bit of health anxiety but kept on top of it till recently due to too much stress etc and it's been a terrible time but gradually getting back on track- anxiety and panic suck and I absolutely hate it.

I'm on Citalopram too just gone upto 20mg been on it 3 weeks nearly and it definitely is taking the edge off my thoughts so stick with it, the side effects aren't too good but are subsiding and hoping they disappear soon.

Sorry to here about your miscarriage it's probably added to your anxiety and can't have been nice for you at all.

I too convinced myself I had a brain tumour a while ago and ended up in this state by trying to ignore my feelings which is a typical bloke thing and I let it go way too far till I couldn't function anymore but at least you have seeked some help which will be better in the long run. Ask your GP about CBT apparently it's brilliant but the waiting list in my area is too long so I've had to go private but it's worth every penny as is helping me out to a degree although punishing my wallet.

I would say try not to worry but know you will be worried sick so the best advice I have for you is to accept the situation and look at it logically like you said you are perfectly healthy and the GP wouldn't think twice about sending you to hospital if they thought it was something serious so bear that in mind.

Take care and feel free to message me anytime this site is a great place with great people on it.:)


03-04-12, 17:31
Hi Mick

Thank you so much for your reply. I think my biggest fear right now is that this taste will never go away and I wont be able to ever stop thinking about it!!

I had a good afternoon yesterday and could almost feel the knot im my stomac and the clouds lifting but they are back with force this morning and all day today. I guess I need to wait for the meds to start working but I am scared they wont be enough to get me to stop worrying. Last tie I was on them was more for depression rather than anxiety and they did work really well and quite quickly from what I can remember.

Thank you for taking time to reply to me I really appreciate it.

:) :bighug1:

03-04-12, 17:52

I was told it normally gets worse before it gets better so try to stick with the meds for at least 6 weeks they definitely make your anxiety worse before it slowly creeps away over time and hope your side effects aren't too bad and remember they will go eventually so battle on through.

It's a vicious cycle of thinking and it's hard to break out of it but tell yourself it's not permanent and will go over time. I've no patience myself so can't tell you to be patient but it will get better that's what I keep telling myself. Stay positive and look after yourself and hopefully if they worked quick for you last time they will kick in quick again this time but don't worry if they don't it may take a bit longer than before but it will happen.

Hope you feel better soon.


03-04-12, 18:32
hi rachel, the metallic taste you mention is exactly what i have when i have my anxiety...ive had it for nearly a month now so far, its easing as my anxiety subsides.
i even had a sore mouth which felt burnt. so i regularly used mouth wash, so it couldnt get worse by way of an infection...But i can say that with me, the metallic taste is one if my first symptoms when my anxiety raises its ugly head..
chew gum! air waves are good!!
try not to worry its the anxiety thats causing it xxx

03-04-12, 19:16
Thank you so much. I thought I was the only person who has ever had this symptom and although I think its becasue of my anxiety there is that little voice that just keeps telling you that maybe its not and maybe its permanent and maybe its serious.

Here hoping that once the anxiety decreases so does the taste and visa versa. Its such a reciprical thing.

I am also do NLP therapy ( at my own cost) and CBT ( on NHS) although have only jsut started both so hope these combined with meds help me to get over this.


04-04-12, 17:29
Hi there,

New here too, just to let you know thats exactly what i have been experiencing , and my anxiety is high, it was bad for the first couple of weeks and been on off since, got to be a stress build up and you do not realize it, ( for me at least) i have been checked by gp with blood tests and dentist visits all seem normal....i have gone back on a/d's (mirtazapine) been on them before and like you hoping will eventually calm down.... :)

04-04-12, 20:06

I am just so glad I found this website and that others are experiencing the same symptoms as me. Not that I wish this on anyone.

I have been on citlopram for a week now and have had no side effects except that I have felt so much worse with heightened anxiety and could barely get up at the weekend. Today was better and I have my second nlp session tomorrow so hoping the road to recovery is starting.

I hope yours goes away too.
