View Full Version : pulled muscle - what does it feel like?

03-04-12, 15:31
In the upper back specifically! So I got out of the bath on Friday morning and BAM ouching ooing and aahing city. I went to work on Sunday but then got sent home as I wasn't able to work without being in pain.

It seems to come and go, it's quite a sharp pain in the middle of my back, which seems to get worse as the day goes on. No pain killers have worked. It also hurts the more I do to be honest. Sleeping is also pretty uncomfortable. The pain periodically comes round to my chest and stomach (although this is nothing new) it is not very pleasent.

The reason I'm asking is that I've had so many problems in this exact area of my back and I know this is more painful but I wouldn't know what a pulled muscle say would feel like! If it stays bad until say about 8 tonight I'm going to forgo work tomorrow and get a docs appointment instead either tomorrow or Thursday.

Any advice would be good :)

03-04-12, 16:08
Pulled muscles can feel like that. I have a particular spot that always "goes" if I reach up to close a window awkwardly, or reach behind the car seat to get something off the back seat. It feels like someone has stabbed me with a knife and the pain can feel as if it's coming from a larger area! I've used heat pads with some success, also spray on deep heat or Ibuprofen.

03-04-12, 20:28
Cheers that puts my mind at rest, I was starting to worry I'd done something serious! It doesn't seem to bad just sat here but flares up again the more I move which seems to contradict everything I've ever been told about keeping move to help a bad back! Bizzare!

03-04-12, 20:31
Could be nerve pain... that can be more painful than breaking a bone...
I recently hurt my lower back...trapped a nerve i think, was in agony for a week. its just eased off now thank god...

03-04-12, 20:59
I have noticed some numbness and tingling but that's normal for me. No doctor seems to make a big deal about it.

I have decided though that before I go private (even though I'm covered by works medical insurance) I should make the most of the fact I pay tax and demand some scans or something from the NHS. In almost 4 years I've never had any further investigations which to me is bizzare as it's been years and lets be honest, I'm only 22!