View Full Version : It's all been good, but now feels like body/heart is working 'too hard'

03-04-12, 19:24
Uff, well, I'm glad to say all's been good recently (hence not being around on here for a while!) but this last week or so I've started feeling extremely tired again, and as if things are a lot of work, i.e walking on an uphill road/stairs.
The main thing that bothers me is feeling as if my body is running a marathon even when I'm just sitting there! My heart is going hard and fast when hardly doing anything. Hoping it's just a run-down time again =/ or virus. Anyone else get this sort of thing happening every so often? Any tips on coping with it? (without freaking out!)

03-04-12, 22:48
I often have that feeling towards the end of the day. I feel like I'm getting the flu, but by the next morning, I feel relatively normal again. It helps to keep in mind that anxiety is mentally exhausting and uses up a lot of your body's resources.

Make sure you're doing whatever you can to help i.e. getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, eating healthy, exercising, etc. It may not feel like it helps right away, but in the long run it does!