View Full Version : my panic

03-04-12, 20:36
The sweating and trembling is just the start
Next comes the tight chest and pulsating heart
my legs start to wobble my breathing is fast
I then start to panic “how long will this last?

My mind starts to race with thoughts, all of dread
“if I stay here much longer i will drop down dead”
My eyes will not focus and nor will my brain
My anxiety sky high im panicking again

I want to run out, I want to get home
To a place that I feel safe where im not alone
Slowly my mind starts to clear of the mess
My legs feel much stronger my trembling is less

Looking back at the panic how silly was i
I feel so alone I could break down and cry
I know I was silly it was all in my head
But If this doesn’t stop I would rather be dead

My friends and my family are always at hand
But I need someone there that can really understand
Someone that knows how bad panic can be
Someone that’s been through the same things as me

No More Panic is a place I can go
When I’ve had an attack or im feeling low
I feel like everyone there is a friend
That’s the end of my poem .. Im off now.. THE END

03-04-12, 20:49
Absolutely brilliant. Well done :D

03-04-12, 22:58
Beautifully written and oh so true. So many of us here can relate. Thank you for sharing. Kitti :)

angel wings
03-04-12, 23:01
wow what a great poem :) !!