View Full Version : Anyone else find this?

03-04-12, 20:53
I find I am very lonely and I think this makes my anxiety/panic worse. If I am left on my own my thoughts go wild and if I do happen to talk to someone about what I am actually feeling the panic reduces slightly! Almost like I am having some reasurrance so why can't I achieve that by myself? Why can I not reassure myself to stop the panic??

03-04-12, 21:01
Goodevening Emsie,

Oh wow - I can completely relate. Even if I'm in the shower on my own I have to have the door wide open, I don't take baths anymore because I am scared I will think and think, if I sleep I sleep with the TV on, I was sleeping in my mums bed for like a month because I didn't feel safe.

It's a horrible, horrible place to be in. Maybe try watching TV, or going for a walk, I find 1950's motown classics always seem to cheer me up, or maybe going on MSN and socialising?

I really do hope you're ok x x x

03-04-12, 21:04
Hi Becky,

I have just replied to your post :) I find I am lonely because my anxiety is causing me to stay indoors so it's like a vicious circle. I am trying new medication in a few days so I am hoping for my panic to ease. xx

03-04-12, 21:09

I still go to work, I feel I'm okay there. But when I'm on my own at work I panic.

It really is all about learning about distraction. I mean come on, I'm 19 years old and I'm going through this.. ALREADY? It's like my worst nightmare!

I really hope it does.. Have you tried any Bachs products? xx

03-04-12, 21:16
At first many years ago I did, and calms but then had to move onto prescribed medication which I was doing ok with but then it seemed to stop. I have read that happens so trying a new onw more aimed at anxiety, OCD and panic so hopefully will work better. My anxiety started in childhood, I hated my own birthday parties because everyone was watching me and giving me presents etc hated it and I was 8 then! xx

06-04-12, 00:54
I'm 19 too and I find my anxiety increases tenfold when I'm alone, usually I'm completely fine and have a pretty good handle on it, but as soon as my boyfriend leaves the house I seem to suddenly notice all these health problems which I hadn't noticed a second ago. Being alone is definately my catalyst! But I try to counter it by internet surfing, reading and most of all, going for walks with my trusty i-pod :D

06-04-12, 01:47
Being around people is a good distraction from anxiety :)
Saying that , if I'm very bad I want to be in a quite room by myself.