View Full Version : Commercials on TV

04-04-12, 00:00
Any other HA sufferers fed up with all these medical commercials/drug commercials? It seems like that is the majority of all commercials now and it certainly drives my anxiety up! I always end up researching whats on the commercial with Dr. Google. Ahhhh, less TV!

angel wings
04-04-12, 00:05
yes theres one about strokes and i have to turn over when its on i try not to watch the news too much either cause its always doom and gloom !!!

04-04-12, 01:52
They dont affect me .But they are gross ..:lac:

04-04-12, 01:56
I think they are meant to scare people into taking action but can have an adverse effect cos people panic.

Take for example the bowel cancer advert - I have all the symptoms - constant diarrhea and bleeding but I don't have bowel cancer.

I guess they want people to think about things more and get them checked out cos a lot of people don't

04-04-12, 02:23
... i try not to watch the news too much either cause its always doom and gloom !!!

OMG, I know exactly what you mean. It's always almost all negative. Nuclear this, Shooting that, End of World 2012. Scientist to create black hole... Really?!? No wonder people are depressed all the time, how about some happy journalism and good news. Today on the news, everything is swell, the sun is out , its a nice warm day and nothing bad is going to happen.

04-04-12, 03:59
I haven't noticed then in Ireland .
But I would guess they advertise prescription meds on tv in the US?
I hate the car crash ones :(
I tend to record tv so I can skip over the adverts as I don't have the patience for them.

04-04-12, 04:29
Do you experience migraines? Have trouble sleeping? Do you have unexplained pains in your toe? Then you probably have Migratitis, but guess what? Now there's a new medication to treat it called Gullibry. Gullibry will help you get through your day without having to worry about those painful migraines that keep you up at night or those stabbing toe pains that make you extremely restless.

Speak to your doctor today about Gullibry.

Warning: Side-effects may include, drowsiness, eye-twitching, numbness, increased thirst, increased urination, flatulence, palpitations, stroke, coma, and most frequently death.


04-04-12, 04:52
That is soo true. :D