View Full Version : feeling the fear...

04-04-12, 00:10
Ooh...forgot to take my diaz this afternoon.....can feel the panic coming....damm, hate this, scared and alone....just taken 2 now hopefully it pass in half hour or so....:weep:

angel wings
04-04-12, 00:16
oh not good were all here :hugs:just wait for them too kick in !!!

04-04-12, 00:17
shaking...pacing....palps...to late to phone anyone sorry bit bad atm

Deepest Blue
04-04-12, 00:18
Hey ya K, I'm sorry to hear this I hope the meds will start to work fast for you x

04-04-12, 00:19
It wont take long for them to kick in Kitti ..You arent going to come to any harm .So try to keep calm and do some deep breathing .Keep distracted ..Its the fear that keeps it coming ..Fear feeds it .Hope you feel better in a while ..:hugs:Luv Sue x

04-04-12, 00:21
thanks aall so scared sorry,,,bit of a mess feel stupid upset

04-04-12, 00:21
Sit down and put your hands in your lap ..Breath thru your nose for 7 out slowly thru your mouth for 11 ..keep this going and just concentrate on the breathing ..It will stop it from getting worse ..xx:hugs:

04-04-12, 00:23
trying sue thanks

angel wings
04-04-12, 00:24
ahh dont feel stupid kitty we all know how horrible it is when you feel like this :bighug1:hope it goes away soon xxxxxxxxx

04-04-12, 00:27
cant sit still to edgy...hate thi so muvh

---------- Post added at 00:27 ---------- Previous post was at 00:25 ----------

thanks evrone so scared..nice to know all there

04-04-12, 00:31
Try laying down .Kitti ..xLONG deep breaths ..it will pass ..:hugs:

04-04-12, 00:36
cant sue too dizzy feel worse tryin to control bresthihg

---------- Post added at 00:36 ---------- Previous post was at 00:35 ----------


04-04-12, 00:37
Go out to the back door hun and get some fresh air ..sips of cold water ..xx:hugs::hugs:

04-04-12, 00:43
passing now but all shakey...stupid cow (me) cant even hold glass but is easing. Thanks all soooo much for support an embarrassed and very upset with myself. you guys are great...:bighug1::blush:

04-04-12, 00:46
Thats good .will soon be ok .No need to feel silly we know what its like ...:hugs:xx

angel wings
04-04-12, 00:51
glad it passing hun thinking of you :hugs:xxx

04-04-12, 00:56
Thank you all so much = Angel, Sue, Danny....the diaz has kicked in at last. You guys are the best!! I am mega embarrassed :blush: sorry to burden you all at this late hour. Just thanks for being there :hugs: to you all xxx

---------- Post added at 00:56 ---------- Previous post was at 00:54 ----------

not like me....usually come to life at night lol

04-04-12, 01:00
Your welcome Kitti .xx.no need to feel embarassed tho ..It happens ...,damn adrenaline :mad:...Back to the Humour thread ...:yesyes:..luv Sue xx:bighug1:

Deepest Blue
04-04-12, 01:03
I'm just really glad youre ok that's the most important thing and what matters so please don't feel embarrassed at all x

04-04-12, 01:47
Damm.....can't sleep now too anxious :doh: