View Full Version : When did everyone start to feel human again!!

04-04-12, 10:10
Morning All,

Im 19 days in taking 20mg Citalopram, i currently take my tablet about 8 - 9pm every night and am really just wondering when everyone started to feel better...........my side effects are currently dull headaches with random what feels like twitches in my head, dull sickness feeling, pins and needles in my arms, i have had a tingly scalp but touch wood that has gone!, generally feel dizzy/unbalanced and have a fuzzy head and on a whole anxiety has good and bad days and tired/lethargic feeling.
Im starting to think that im never gone feel better!

Thanks Everyone for reading x

04-04-12, 21:37
Hi Chrissie, It does take some time to get used to these tablets. I am on week 12 and still having the occassional blip but I think it is because I am really tired. Just stick with it and soon you will see the benefits of Cit. Good luck and let us know how your getting on :hugs:x

04-04-12, 22:36
yeh, give it some time, hold on in there. at the mo I feel just about normal. seems to have helped my depression and anxiety too. this is my third month on them.

william wallace
05-04-12, 10:15
The twitches and some form of movement inside your head is receptors shutting down, preventing chemicals such as seratonin and noradrenaline from leaving, it's a good sign:)

05-04-12, 21:42
Thanks all for your replies.....docs have said my pro points outway my bad points so to stick in there for at least 4 - 6 weeks but iv only a week.left on this box so will see if sortef by 4 weeks......thanks again x