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View Full Version : Advice really needed, going mad!!!

04-04-12, 11:59
I suffer with panic attacks and anxiety, and have done for nearly two years.

I started my meds on 20mg of Citalopram, then after a year went down to 10mg a day, and finally 10mg every other day.

My anxiety has started to get worse again over the last few weeks, so I have decided to start taking 10mg every day!!

I have started to feel really down and nervous and every little twinge or ache I get, I think its something sinister.
I have had stomach cramps the last few days and pins and needles in my left arm, and little pains in my chest area and also a left sided headache with numbness.
Is this all normal??? Is this because i'm worrying? Or is this side effects from upping my doasage??

Please help, I'm cracking up here??

Is this all normal???

04-04-12, 12:17

I am on 20mg everyday and the symptoms you are getting i get to and im on day 19, even pain on the left side of your head so do like me and im struggling but chill and distract your mind......so many people say these tablets work....we need to have faith and patience.

Take Care
Chrissie x

04-04-12, 13:36
Hi Chrissie,

Thanks for the reply!
Sorry to hear you feel the same as me, Maybe we should have our heads banging together????

All I want, is to be pill free and anxiety free, as i'm sure you do!!

Good luck and hope you feel better soon
Vanessa x

04-04-12, 13:45
Hi guys I have had this but I never took citalopram! (but most others!) Good luck if I can help drop me a message