View Full Version : Rash type spots on my face. Come and go

04-04-12, 15:14
Check out my previous posts. Since Oct I have had a heart attack, MS, ALS, lymphoma (that was the scariest) and more.

Anyway, my latest and greatest stress is about my face. About 2 months ago I was using some dandruff shampoo, left it in for a minutes, and when I got out I noticed my forehead had big red splotches. They faded. This didn't stress me then, since I was more worried about my nodes.

Fast forward 2 months, and I still get the red splotches even though I have changed shampoo (to a mild shampoo). They are worse after I shower, or exercise. I was excema creme, which helps.

I am self concious about this. But also, I am stressed. Honestly, my fear is that I did have lymphoma (even though I had u/s and cancer dr give me all clear), and this is somehow a symptom. I am also afraid to go to Dermotolgist, since I have had my fill of Dr's over the last few months.

To summarize:
My forehead has some red blotches. Worse after working out, or shower
Cheeks are also redish, with some little pimple looking dots that are not pimples.
This seems to be new. I looked at old pictures. I am hoping it is dry skin from winter. My skin is sensitive. I don't think I would have noticed this before my HA

04-04-12, 16:19
I have a big mark that comes up on my face after I shower or work out. It bothers me a bit and I have to cover it with make-up. Its almost as if a patch on my cheek has one less layer of skin than everywhere else. I dont understand it. Its more noticable these days. The pores are different in that area too. Weird.