View Full Version : Nervous in large crowds

04-04-12, 15:25
Hi Everyone

I have a question for you. I'm not sure if I'm suffering from Social Anxiety, see I love chatting to people and I actually feel better when I do chat to people. But when I'm out in a large crowd such as a town center, I feel very nervous. I've never suffered with this before, as I love getting up and going out, I've had this for the past few times I've been out. Once I'm back home, or know that I'm on my way home I'm fine.

04-04-12, 20:39
Its part of anxiety, so not necessarily social anx... i used to have the same prob in the early days of anxiety... with crowds, or cinema or restruarants, always looking for the way out incase you think you need it... anxiety can make you think your going to lose control, start screaming or something! so social places do cause more anx.

06-04-12, 13:13
I'm the same, I'm quite shy sometimes but I still interact with people so it's not social anxiety. I just don't like crowded places, I feel like the people are closing in on me and I can't breathe. I need my personal space.

06-04-12, 15:37
Yes i am the same . I cannot be in crowded places, cloustrophobia (cannot spell). Have to have the bedroom window open at night even in the coldest weather.
I do have a social phobia as well,,--but can make conversation to strangers when waiting for the bus. I am such a weirdo:wacko:

06-04-12, 16:10
Hello wool. I'm still the same i can't do big crowds. I think it's a bit of all what the above have been saying, Social, claustrophobia, agoraphobia and anxiety. I think a lot of people think agoraphobia is open spaces. Where it is actually extreme or irrational fear of crowded spaces or enclosed public places. I think the best thing to do is try going to place's with not so many people and gradually increase the time you stay and then go to more crowded places once you feel more and more at ease. As they say practice makes perfect. Good luck

Darren :)

06-04-12, 17:27
I am the same and that is all part of agorophobia. Hate being in crowds of people even though I can talk to people. I get boiling hot and spaced out, horrible.

06-04-12, 19:01
Hi wools, I also had this problem caused by my anxiety and it eventually develpoed into agoraphobia as I started to aviod going out. Have you spoken to your doctor about it? If you can manage smaller shops and less crowded places, stick to that for now and if you do go anywhere crowded, you may find you feel less anxious if you take a friend or family member with you for now. Good luck.
Kitti :)

07-04-12, 23:31
I've experienced this in the past, too. You have to nip it in the bud, like others have said, or it can quickly to develop into worse fears - like fear of leaving the house. I agree about speaking to your GP. Try doing things gradually, in smaller steps, and building it up.