View Full Version : Iron and vitamin b12,3

04-04-12, 15:49
Hiya to all
Does anyone know if there's a link between an anxiety,panic and
depression with low iron and B vitamins and also if they have suffered with this
what have they taken to help

04-04-12, 18:02
Deficiancy in iron and B vitimins 6 and 12 contribute to depression and anxiety, and I always feel better with iron and a B vitimin complex around that time of the month. You aren't meant to take iron unless you are low on it though.
Some people on here have tried Jarrows Vitimin B "B-Right" formula and some say it works wonders - its around 11 pounds on Amazon. You could try that if you want, as long as you don't mind neon pee!
Supplements will never get rid of the anxiety completely, take them if you know it will aid you or help you cope in getting better overall.
Take care.

04-04-12, 18:27
There have been many studies on the B12, B3 and iron and it's contributions to anxiety.
The B vitamins contribute to proper nervous system functioning.
Many people have experienced a loss of anxiety symptoms with large vitamin supplementation of they were deficient.
Low iron can cause anxiety directly actually. My doctor did iron tests when I told him about anxiety. It's common. There are many books you can read on this and there is a lot of well-researched and trusted literature you can read online as well on the subject.

04-04-12, 19:47
Hi thanks to you all for your replys
Poncho do you take the jarrows or another

04-04-12, 20:30
I take Jarrows B Right...they are very good, been on them since January....

04-04-12, 22:28
*Pancho, lol,
What she said ^^^ about Jarrows, I just take the cheap morrisons B vits, not as good by far but always good to wake me up for 99p or whatever they are

06-04-12, 00:49
I take feroglobin for iron deficency, it tastes like honey :D

07-04-12, 21:01
Hi, ive been taking multivitamins plus iron for about 6wks now, my panics havent been as bad and i dont feel as drained. So im most deffinately going to keep buying. Oh it tesco brand i have. X

08-04-12, 01:03
Might sOund silly but you can still take these while your on medication? It won't affect it?