View Full Version : Not really sure what to expect from this

04-04-12, 19:55
But I am feeling so helpless right now. I just don't know how I am going to get over this again, I have had depression and anxiety for so long and I can't keep fighting it for it to come back...I'm tired. People ask why am I tired when I stay home all day hiding away becuase of the anxiety but my mind races with panic, dread and thoughts and I feel constantly sick and that is what I am tired of. I am taking my first sertraline tomorrow as I have been on prozac and I am hoping this will ease the panic. I hate this, all I do is cry :weep:

04-04-12, 20:28
Hi sorry to hear your feeling so down...
Have you had any type of therapy? someone to talk it all through with?
What are you panicking about?

04-04-12, 22:44
Hi, my panic goes to different things at different times. But I think the depression has kicked in now. I just feel so low :( I have had therapy a few years ago but a family member was arrested also so my time in therapy was ways to cope with that. I am seeing my doctor next week to ask about therapy again as I am very suicidal. Thank you for replying.

04-04-12, 23:52
come in chat take your mind off it
god bless