View Full Version : HELP! i think im going to die!!!!

04-04-12, 20:12
Im really scared right now :'( basically on Wednesday last week i had cold hands all day and i worried but i dont know why haha which caused me to have a tingly arm which made me worry even more then Thursday i started to get chills and started worrying and obsessing over it as you do Friday was the same and i started to feel nauseous every now and again and i thought oh god its a kidney infection then Saturday i felt extra worried and started to get pains in my back where my kidney is making it point towards a kidney infection again worried even more because i only have one kidney i had my other one out when i was 7 because it was to small im now 15. Anyways i went to the doctors on Monday and they prescribed me with antibiotics and had to do a water sample on Tuesday took it in they dip tested it and nothing besides traces of blood but they said it could be from my period..(sorry) but i nearly had a panic attack and the receptionist said they have another appointment for a different doctor so i took it. i went to him and he made me do another test same again just a trace of blood so he said he will send it off to the lab just in case and said carry on with the antibiotics. Hopefully it will come back tomorrow. But my back feels really sore and it's scaring me like really badly i keep imaging myself dieing or being in hospital!! But this morning i woke up and it wasnt their i kept thinking about it and it came back my mum says it's defiantly anxiety but i think it's my kidney! :weep: and also i keep feeling pulses in my leg and back please help!!!!!

04-04-12, 20:18
Are you still on your period? That gives me loads of back pain.

04-04-12, 20:22
Just came off it :/