View Full Version : Sudden feeling of dread?

04-04-12, 23:09
Does anyone get a sudden, intense feeling of dread that spreads through the whole body and you feel like "I'm dying"? I can't even describe how it feels. It can come out of absolutely nowhere and in that split second I feel like maybe my heart stopped or something just happened in my brain and I'm instantly going to die. If I can stay calm, it passes pretty quickly but I always check my pulse right away and of course, because I'm freaked out, my heart is going fast, but I actually find it reassuring because it means I'm still alive and my heart is still pumping. :wacko:

Does anyone know this feeling? I want so badly to believe this is just panic but every single time I convince myself it's my body telling me something is horribly wrong with my heart or my brain.

angel wings
04-04-12, 23:27
I get that alot and most of the time i dont feel anxious but it just comes over like a wave i think im going to die too its a horrible and know exactly the feeling you mean but i know its panic taking over so just have to ride with it until it passes i have to tell myself ive felt this way before and im still alive x

04-04-12, 23:38
I also get this feeling lots and i hate it, its ok when you can tell yourself its only anxiety, but sometimes for me i get so scared i convince myself it is something and im going to pop my clogs straightaway, and when that happens i cant think of anything other than that horrible feeling.. i also check my pulse
anxiety is indeed horrible and that feeling is defo the worst and can come from nowhere to scare the life out of u ut it is just anxiety and does go, i got rid of all the feelings a while back doing cbt but unfortunately had crap year and its back
hope you feel better soon x

05-04-12, 00:12
Thanks so much, both of you. I just need some reassurance that it is indeed panic and nothing more sinister. My panic keeps coming in new forms and they seem to get scarier and scarier. :(

sherylee xx
05-04-12, 13:08
oh yes i know the feelin!! its terrifyin and so intense xx

05-04-12, 18:32
I know the feeling well. The morning is when I typically get this feeling myself. I wake with a feeling of "dread" in the pit of my stomach. I also tend to get the shakes with this feeling. Sometimes I find myself worrying about going to bed at night in fear that in the morning I will awake with this feeling. I hate that worrying about a panic attack can push you straight into a panic attack!

05-04-12, 20:54
I'm so sorry you all feel it too. But I must admit, it's comforting to know I'm not alone! Sometimes I feel like a crazy person.

05-04-12, 22:27

I experience the same horrible feeling, I have episodes where I can experience it several times a day, it just pops up out of the blue. Its the most scariest thing I have ever felt, dont worry your not alone, I also thought I was going crazy until my doctor reassured me its all anxiety. I check my bp and pulse, thinking there must be something wrong with my heart or brain. I also "panic" when I get palpitations, I never used to get these but I take it these are normal and another part of anxiety? :unsure:

05-04-12, 22:39
I can get it a few times in a day too! I used to get a palp every now and then when I had too much caffeine, but they never scared me. Now that I get them due to anxiety, I freak out! Silly, isn't it?

sherylee xx
05-04-12, 23:43
im the same hun iv had palps for years never bothered me but since havin my health anxiety they really scare me and i dread gettin them xx