View Full Version : Thinking Of getting Trapped/Stuck/Claustrophobia

05-04-12, 05:06
Hi, i'm brand new to the site and joined because i desperately need some advice on getting my life back to normal.

I'm 26 years old and have always struggled with claustrophobia but was never obsessed with it too much until now. Recently i can't stop imaging situations where i am stuck or trapped somewhere or in something and am completely unable to get out. The problem is i imagine these situations in such detail that i actually start to panic for real in the same way i would if it was happening for real.

It haunts me nearly every moment of the day i cannot stop myself from thinking about these terrible things happening to me and its taking over my life because some of them could happen for real. I'm thinking of seeing a counsler soon but for now is there anyone who can give me any advice or techniques to help me get my head back to normal.

I honestly dont know how to stop myself imaginig these things.

05-04-12, 16:56

I do this all the time....I have claustrophobia and have since I was a child after friends put a duvet over me and were all laying on top of it laughing...I couldn't breath...it was horrible.

I sometimes have dreams where I'm placed into wheelie bins or other small tight places and I actually wake up not being able to move my body while not breathing...I will then suddenly jerk after a while them normal again...there is a word for this but I can't remember.

I walk about and look at things,..sometimes I will watch a film say people crawling around caves underground and feel myself getting breathless....

Try to do something else to preoccupy your time...when I walk around I forvever have my headphones in and listen to music....I love it....

I've never seen a councillor but you may suffer with this more...I hope you somehow find a solution
