View Full Version : Pain between shoulder blades - worrying

05-04-12, 13:30
Hi everyone, looking for some reassurance ! Sorry if it's a bit longwinded....

I have a pain between my shoulderblades and heading slightly down the righthand side of them. It's worse at some times than at others and I'm scared it's heart related.

I have had panic/anxiety off and on for 25 years and I heard a long time ago that pain in this area can be related to your heart .... unrelatedly, last week I was sent to hospital for an ECG and as my heart was racing so fast they did a heart scan also. I saw them write on the computer screen ( they didn't tell me ) that I had minor Mitral Reflux and stage 1 diastolic disfunction , but the doctor told me there was nothing to worry about and my heart is fine. I know I should trust him, but am always scared that due to my anxiety they won't tell me if something is wrong incase I panic more. I tried Googling this stuff and it scared the crap out of me, so I spoke to my doctor.

She says that the Mitral reflux is very slight and really isn't an issue, but didn't explain the diastolic dysfunction ... I think the hospital doctor said the heart muscle is a bit thicker than it should be, but feels this is down to slightly high blood pressure and isn't sinister.

I know I shouldn't panic about this pain as I got the all clear but it is really scaring me :weep:

Any advice would be appreciated

05-04-12, 13:33
It's most likely muscular. Those are your romboid muscles and frequently are affected by stress/anxiety. Mine are tight all the time and can feel either sore and achy or like a sharp, stabby pain.

05-04-12, 13:38
Thank you for your fast reply !

Do you find it hurts more when you take a deeeper breath or when you walk about ?

05-04-12, 13:40
It can be affected by that, because when you breath, that area of muscles does move. Sometimes depending on how tight it is I do feel pain when breathing, or moving my arms, etc. I usually take ibuprofin and either use ice or see if I can get somebody to massage it out.

05-04-12, 13:43
Thanks again for your reassurance, it is much appreciated :)

05-04-12, 15:00
I had that happen twice.. I was found to have sprained my Upper Trapezius muscle on both occassions..

05-04-12, 16:12
Thanks Zee, that is very helpful also :)