View Full Version : What is the difference

05-04-12, 16:47
What is the difference between panic and anxiety? I am not sure if I am suffering from a panic disorder or my usual anxiety disorder that I have been diagnosed with. But at the moment my anxiety seems worse. I worry a lot, too much but become obsessed over my thoughts up to the point where I research ways to help and think constantly of it. I try to calm myself down but if someone mentions anything to do with it or on tv something about what I worry about is said I get the hot, sweaty, panic feeling that makes me feel sick and I want to die. I also have random panic attacks I think where I get so stressed that I feel out of this world almost and again sickness from panic which usually goes and I return back to my normal worrying self. So is there a difference between anxiety and panic?

05-04-12, 16:50
Hi Hun...I. Not sure, I think to a certain point it's all related...we get anxious..think think think then panic attack.....

Hope someone here can give you a more detailed answer


05-04-12, 18:17
I think they can go hand in hand, but panic disorder is when you're having frequent panic attacks, so it sounds like you may have it. I have anxiety and panic.

05-04-12, 18:42
I would say anxiety is more of a general feeling. You wake up with butterflies in your stomach, just feeling like things are out of sorts and have that sense of impending doom. You may be shaky, dizzy and flustered. You don't feel like doing much or going out and you just kind of ruminate over the way you feel and it's hard to get out of this state. It's uncomfortable but you can get on with your day.
Panic I would equate with a panic attack. You can't really function when your at this point and want to leave wherever you are and feel as if you can't calm down...your heart starts racing really fast, you may worry you'll faint or that you are getting a heart attack...
That's how I'd look at it. don't know if that;s the answer you were looking for.

05-04-12, 19:33
Thanks, just wondered as I am going to see my doctor next week to discuss it all.