View Full Version : Really acute abdominal pain

05-04-12, 17:33
Hi everyone,I have been having an awful time. Well over a month ago my stomache suddenly became massively bloated with really uncomfortable low pain so bad could not walk. I have had ibs for many years and three years ago developed fibromyalgia. This was unlike any episode of ibs I had ever had. Three days before I did have a massively stressful day and I was also experiencing some depression. Then bang this happens. Within a few days I was at the doctors in terrible pain and was told it could be kidney stones. A week later I was taken into hospital put on fluids as I was very dehydrated even though I had been drinking loads. Was given a X-ray with the dye but they found no kidney stones. Was sent home the next day with anti biotics as they said it could be a water infection as they had found traces of blood in my wee. Have had cystitis before but never like this. Soon as I had finished the anti biotics the pain returned with a vengeance back to the doctors I went. This time put on stronger anti biotics with the possibility of having diverticulitis am having an ultrasound next week and then possibly a colonoscopy. Have finished the latest set of anti biotics the terrible pain has died down,was also given anti spasmodic drugs too and they have helped. The last doctor I saw on Monday said it could be a really nasty flare of ibs and not even diverticulitis but I've never had an attack like this. I had also changed my diet in July 2011 as I started the slimming world diet and lost over three stone and my ibs had dramatically improved. I have been eating a huge amount of fruit particularly oranges and am wondering if this has contributed. Am so disappointed as things were getting a lot better. Of course it has gone throu my head it could be something like cancer but my doctor said I have no family history and there are no other signs but it's still there at the back of my mind.
Has anyone else had an attack this bad?