View Full Version : Body is falling apart!!!

05-04-12, 20:19
Does anyone else feel once turning 40 their body is falling apart??
I know I am the biggest and least fit I have been in years, but why does my body hurt, my feet and knees are a nightmare, on any kind of exercise I feel my muscles aching and I get short of breath.
Is this normal....I walk daily, sort my horses etc, so not like I am lazy, but my body seems to be seriously struggling so worried something is wrong.

I want to lose weight...and need the willpower, so will this be the answer to feeling better???


06-04-12, 17:28
Im trying to lose weight too. Maybe we can use each other as incentive. Im jogging for an hour every morning on a mini trampoline. My weights not going down but I feel a lot better. I have a suspicion my inability to lose weight might be due to water retention. Ive always been aware that im in a constant state of dehydration. Your body holds water if it doesnt know when its getting more, so apparently the remedy is drinking more water so your body doesnt retain so much. Im trying to drink loads of water every day. If it starts making a difference, and my weight starts to drop, ill let you know x