View Full Version : New Member wishing you all well

06-04-12, 07:20
Hi everyone. I am a 49 year old female and I have suffered from anxiety for the last 16 years. Just lately they seem to be back with avengence. I found your site by accident but hope with my 'experience' I can help other people and maybe get some good tips to help myself. :)

06-04-12, 07:23
Hi Springtime

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

little wren
06-04-12, 08:35
Hi Springtime (lovely name by the way) and :welcome: glad you found the site...I am sure your experiences will help a lot of people...just knowing others understand really helps....and I hope you find some good advice here too.

little wren x

06-04-12, 09:02
Hello Springtime, and welcome. :)

I'm new here myself (I joined on Monday).

Everyone seems really friendly and keen to share advice and support each other.

06-04-12, 14:17
:welcome: Springtime,

Glad you found us, lots of lovely people here needing & giving advice and support. It has helped me immensely and I hope you get the same from being here.

Kitti :)

paula lynne
06-04-12, 15:39
Hi Springtime, welcome along to a great supportive forum! So glad you found us by "happy accident!"...stick around, you're not alone x:welcome:
Paula x