View Full Version : Stomach issues! Terrified yet again :(

06-04-12, 08:45
Hi everyone :)
Haven't been here for a while because luckily my anxiety has been quite under control! However...

Last week I started getting a bad tummy, with lots of painful trapped gas. Over the last few days it's gotten worse and I had diarrhoea and even threw up :weep: I've been really nauseas and have barely eaten anything! I also felt really out of it and a bit feverish and headachy as well.
the diarrhoea has stopped now but my stomach is still bloated with lots of trapped gas that's painful and making lots of noise!

My mind has gone into overdrive and i'm worrying about bowel cancer - i'm only 23 so i know this unlikely, but I can't stop thinking about it.

Two days ago I started a new job, it's kind of my dream job so i'm desperate to make a good impression. I know i've been nervous about it because i've been having those scary 'new-job' dreams! Do you think my symptoms could be due to my anxiety flaring up again because of starting a new job? Can't shake the fear that it's something worse!

Any help would be massively appreciated! Love Kittenface xXx

06-04-12, 10:55
Hey Kittenface, I don't think you have a serious issue like bowel cancer, as you said it's very unlikely with younger folk.
I am guessing you are under too much stress because you just started a new job and trying your best to adapt yourself. You know, even slight amount of anxiety and stress immediately effects stomach and bowels. I am relating being nauseous to this, also diarrhea is because of that.

Try to calm down for a while, if those problems continue after one week, then just go see a doctor. No need to worry, be calm and happy. You got your dream job! :)

Feel well soon