View Full Version : bad dirroehea(dont read if to senstive topic for you)

06-04-12, 12:57
earlier had a really bad bout of dirrohea. was on the loo for 20 mins +.
I started my period today to but have never had anything like this on period.
yesterday i had no clean undies left so used a pair of mums clean ones but i noticed during the day they had a stain on them from a bowel movement ugh but they were washed clean ones. coudl i have picked up an infection? i look very pale.
mum always leaves stains on undies but never looked before i used them :(

---------- Post added at 12:38 ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 ----------

havnt been anxious this week and had a good week.
also never had tummy troubles like this with anxiety.

---------- Post added at 12:57 ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 ----------

got slight headache to.
just sipping on liquids all the time. don't feel well enough to eat anything.

06-04-12, 13:12
I usually get an upset stomach with my period so that seems normal to me :)

06-04-12, 14:09
thanks its not for me haha.
im freezing aswel but head feels warm.
family are normal temp :( they say

---------- Post added at 14:09 ---------- Previous post was at 13:53 ----------

feel very very nauseas aswell :(

06-04-12, 14:10
Some have upset tums when Periods are due and during Em ..But it does sound its poss you have a tum bug ..Drink plenty of water and take some painkillers it will lower your temp ..Sure you will be fine so dont fret ..T/c Sue x

06-04-12, 14:37
thank you.
been trying to drink as much fluid as poss.
feel so sick and weak and major headache so going back to bed x
take care :)

---------- Post added at 14:37 ---------- Previous post was at 14:28 ----------

i also cant stop shivering im freezing. pneumonia?

06-04-12, 18:50
You havnt got that Emma ..Keep warm and cosy ..It will get better ..xx

06-04-12, 22:23
thanks feeling more awake now and havnt been since. maybe was a one off(hope so! and not the "c" word) i hate that bowel cancer advert on tele.
am feeling more me now though :D

also off topic but my bank card doesnt work and want to withdraw money tommorow from the bank desk.
i have nothing in my name with address on which they want (everything goes to my parents)
i have passport, exam cert., proof of parents address with my name in the letter. proof of old address(old bank book, dad set the account up when i was younger)
I need money for bus fair next week and for work.
i have to wait 7 working days for new card in the post. will they let me get the money out?
dad said he will try to find my birth certficate for me aswell.

---------- Post added at 20:02 ---------- Previous post was at 19:58 ----------

I only want £10 out haha.
if not i'll have to borrow money for mum and pay her back when card comes through.

---------- Post added at 22:23 ---------- Previous post was at 20:02 ----------

i HATE when my mother says i have never suffered mental illness before.
she just told me all i ever did was be childish and act petty about my HA and that my brother is the one with the "real" mental illness and his suffering badly.
i havnt spoke to her for over a year about my HA now.
why is it HA is considered to be easy to overcome :(? it seems to be the one anxiety type that people discrimintae against.
she told me to stop bringing the AD's home as its Ben who needs them not me :@
then told me off for creating an argument infront of Ben which could cause him a replaspe.
makes me sooo angry!

06-04-12, 23:47
i hate that bowel cancer advert on tele

me to it put me in to a really bad state
of anxiety when i saw it
it will not be on TV anymore
they let it run tell the end of March
so its ended now

07-04-12, 16:26
glad it has been taken off!
i know its for awarness but it scares me and i have one of the main symtopms of this.
stomach still feels off today. havnt been to loo since.
so scared its cancer even though it started the day period did but ive never had anything like that before. :(
still feel headachey.

---------- Post added at 16:26 ---------- Previous post was at 16:19 ----------

i had dinner and feel terrible now again :(
but i did have curry as thats what was cooked
on the news theres a teen with cancer on the news :(

07-04-12, 21:11
i know just how you feel when you have a fear of cancer like we do
it seems to be everywhere you look
I looked at a news paper today and there was a picture of a car like
mine so i read it and the man
had got it from his grandmother that died of cancer it made me feel
sick with the sudden fear that comes just from hearing or seeing the
C word i thought i had bowl cancer like you and that advert on TV made me go to my
doctors he did an examination and told me i was ok i also changed my
diet i was eating far too much fat now everything has gone back to normal
so my mind is now telling me i have bone cancer once one fear goes away
another fear comes to take its place in the last months i have thought i have had
cancer of the skin bowl mouth bone and other places i cannot even remember
but every time i am convinced these time its real but deep inside i know it's not
true it just health anxiety and that somehow i just have to carry on and forget
about the fear distraction is the best way for me i use TV or my computer
to try and take my mind of off it the only problem with TV is you never know
when someone will start talking about the C word when that happens i have
to stick my fingers in my ears and close my eyes until its gone
i am sure you must know that anxiety itself will upset your stomach it does
mine when the anxiety is bad then my stomach sound like there's a war going on
in there and off to the toilet i go some times 2 or 3 times
only the other day i went to the toilet then took my wife shopping and because i
have anxiety about driving my stomach started to turn over my wife went in to ASDAS
and i was in the car with my stomach turning over and over when she came out i
could not get home fast enough and run to the toilet i am sure like me you have not
got cancer and Hope you can get on top of your fear and kick it in the teeth
tell it to ------ of your not putting up with it anymore i know it sound so easy but i
also know how really hard it is good luck luv

08-04-12, 22:40
thanks for your advice :)
i hope you can kick this anxiety away aswell x

14-04-12, 11:25
had dirroeheo really soft bowel movement again today argh
been fine all week

14-04-12, 11:52
If its not normal for you then you couldve just picked up a bug of some sort especially if you are feeling sick too.
I get diarrhoea during my periods all the time and have IBS too which sometimes comes with that.

But if you dont usually get it then I think it could just be a stomach bug of some sort I would just rest up and drink lots of water to flush it out.

---------- Post added at 22:52 ---------- Previous post was at 22:49 ----------

Another thing I practically never had diarrhoea until a couple of months ago and had it on and off for about a month on. Got tested and everything was fine.

14-04-12, 11:57
well period finised tuesday
feeling fine had one bout last sat and one bout this sat of it
its horrible xx
been drinking fluids x

14-04-12, 21:50
also been getting black stuffaround vagina labia which can smell ...
getting it off period

---------- Post added at 21:20 ---------- Previous post was at 19:59 ----------

still scared of cancer period finised days agooo
never had dirreheoa with aniety and had aniety two years

---------- Post added at 21:39 ---------- Previous post was at 21:20 ----------

i lock back door before bed but mum goes out for fag in middle of night and neverv locks it i tell her and shes in laughing hysterics over it anyone could walk in
im soo scared of cancer loose bowels all of a sudden big sign.

---------- Post added at 21:50 ---------- Previous post was at 21:39 ----------

defo not tummy bug feel fine had this twice nw so scared really cant even focus on anything else
rarely anxious in week

15-04-12, 00:32
Hey you dont have cancer ok. I had a bad spout of diarrhoea and tummy and pelvic pains for all of February and went tot he doctor and she tried me on a bulk fibre powder that I put in a glass of water to drink and then it was fine.

Have you been diagnosed with IBS? It could be that or even a bug that mightve turned into an infection, the doctor will prob get you to give samples for tests for any bugs or infections then can get cleared up by antibiotics.

I have pretty most of the symptoms for bowel cancer but I KNOW that I have IBS and have been through tests so Im not too worried.

Plus bowel cancer is usually genetic and you usually get it when you reach around 50s and up. Also you usually notice blood in your stools with cancer but bloos can also mean a whole load of other things too that arent that serious.

15-04-12, 19:39
thank you x
no havnt been diagonsied with ibs x

28-04-12, 12:27
didnt want to start a new thread
so thought i would post here...
i had white bits in bowel movement today :(

28-04-12, 12:54
I did yesterday, I think it may just be things you eat. Also I have had loose bowels and a bad tummy this week. No reason I should have it, but sometimes you just pick up bad viruses that can last awhile.

I would say it is probably just a bug, but if it continues pay attention to what you eat and drink prior to getting it. Maybe keep a food journal. It could be something you are eating that is upsetting your stomach.

And the white specks, I had that and I think it's just how something has digested. Not every movement is like that so I wouldn't be worried.

Have you been on antibiotics or any other medication recently? That can sometimes cause tummy problems too.