View Full Version : Hi everyone I'm on the Citalopram train and have a question!?!

06-04-12, 13:13

Well I'm just over 3 weeks into the Citalopram, 2 weeks at 10mg then upped to 20mg. Most of the side effects have gone except the cotton wool feeling in my head which I had prior to starting this med.

I know everyone reacts differently to meds but was just wondering how long it took everyone else to start feeling better???

I'd say I'm slightly better than I was before taking it and gradually feeling slightly better but would appreciate some timescales from others.



06-04-12, 13:46
It took me about 2 months to start mentally feeling the affects.. and it jsut got better and better. Ive been on it about 9 months now and it helps subside my depression pretty well.. stick with it.. you will get there.

06-04-12, 14:58
Thanks Sar,

Glad you are feeling better it makes me feel good knowing it's working for other people, guess I'd best stay patient in the meantime then till it gets into my system properly.

Thanks again,


06-04-12, 16:46
.i i am new and ireally need some advice i am a 63 year old grandmother. i am teaching myself to use a laptop so please forgive all mistakes .I have been taking 20mgs of citalopra for 3 weeks.I have never felt so ill in my life.sse hakey sick giddy just awful I have been too ill to leave the house.does anyone have any advice?I know being here on my own is not helping but my partner died last year and i donot have much choice

06-04-12, 18:03
Hi Elis & :welcome:

Good on you for getting a laptop and getting online. This site is a great place with great helpful people on it.

The side effects aren't too good and I started on 10mg so well done for putting up with the effects from 20mg from the start. My side effects have nearly gone still feel slightly weird but definitely improving I felt shocking for a good while but it has got better.

Everyone is different with how they react to meds so stick it out a bit longer and they should subside, Then start to help you out over the next few weeks/months. Wish they would work straight away but from reading can take months from starting to feeling normal again so guess we are just gonna have to ride it out.

Sorry to hear you are on your own and for your loss, Hope that someone is helping you out with shopping etc. I'm 30 and struggled with the side effects so well done you for coping. Hope it gets better for you soon.

Take care.
