View Full Version : I'm going to breakdown

06-04-12, 15:36
For the last couple of months, I've been posting about living with my father, and how It's slowly driving me into the ground. It's come to the point, that I want out. I don't know how he's done it, but he went from one of the biggest influences in my life, to bringing me to the brink of breakdown.

My father promised me indepedence. All I got was a man, who can't accept I'm no longer a child. My father has tried many ways to lower me down to a childish Demeanour, like laughing at me, when I'm struggling with something or being put down, because it's "Cute" that i'm "Acting" grown-up. I'm 23 years old for god sake.

There is also a darker side to this, is that I think my Father is taking advantage of me, because he knows, whatever he does, and whatever he asks, I won't react in a assertive way. We wants my money, he knows he's going to get it, he wants my stuff, he knows he can use it. And all I get from this is a "F*ck Off, it's my house, my rules" I'm afraid to be assertive, because I know once I start to stand up for myself, I'll be out on my back.

I just don't know what to do anymore. The only thing I can do, is sit back and wait for my incoming breakdown.