View Full Version : As an ex-nurse, I should have known better...sigh :(

paula lynne
06-04-12, 16:01
Oh dear, Im in a right pickle mateys. :weep:My dad has been prescribed codiene for a neck condition. (hes 78 and has early signs of dementia too). On the table last night I noticed a box of Amitryptaline (sp?).......
I picked them up and dad says "Oh, they are my water tablets...."
"When did you have these prescribed dad?"
"Been on them a while......take em at night, make me sleepy...."

I took out the leaflet and read out loud what they were used for.
"But Im not depressed or anxious!"
"Dad, didnt the doctor TELL you WHY he was giving you these??"
"No, Im not bloody depressed.......well, Im not taking them NO MORE!"

"Dad, there MUST have been a reason they were prescribed to you"
(He doesnt know that I know, he said if the pain in his neck continued he would "Do himself in....") If he verbalised this to the doctor, he was right to prescribe them clearly.
I began to have anxiety, explaining to dad that it would be dangerous if he stopped completely, and if the doctor prescribed them, he should take them.

Now, I am totally kicking myself for saying anything, he may stop taking them which would cause side-effects etc...
I should also mention my dad is an alcoholic, who drinks everyday. He denys it of course, and has LOTS of clever ideas to aviod being caught out. I mentioned to his lady friend that strong painkillers like codiene, along with anti-depressants with a sedative effect, PLUS alcohol are a very dangerous mix. Its something Im unable to discuss with my dad, he would flip.

Ive spoken to my siblings, and they are of the opinion, nothing anyone can say will stop him drinking. Ok. But I KNOW that when hes had painkillers before, he would rather be in pain with his neck so he can go drinking.

So, Im in a fix because I have a feeling he will stop his anti-ds abpruptly because I told him what they are. Should I have kept my mouth shut? Probably. On the other hand, while he is still relatively compis mentis, shouldnt he KNOW what he is taking? :huh:

I should know better. The mouth is in gear before the brain, such is anxiety. Ultimately, if hes made his mind up, nothing anyone can say will change his mind. I could ask his lady friend to keep an eye out to make sure he takes them I guess. I could kick myself.

Luv Paula...who is feeling very pouty and is sick of this blooming vertigo...urgh.:wacko:
Thanks for reading x

06-04-12, 16:05
I read recently that amitrip isnt prescribed for depression anymore but as a pain killer so maybe thats why your dad has them


06-04-12, 16:29
What dose was he given Paula? I agree with Joy - it's much more likely that it was prescribed for pain and/or to help him sleep. Doses for depression would be >50mg and not suitable considering his age. Much more likely that he was given a small dose of 10-20mg which wouldn't cause major side effects if he stopped taking them, apart from a few sleepless nights perhaps lol.

Don't worry about it too much - you haven't done anything wrong by telling him imo and as long as there is someone there to keep an eye on him I'm sure all should be well.

06-04-12, 17:07
My doc said they are not prescribed as an anti-depressant now and are used for pain relief. They were going to give me some for my carpal tunnel syndrome at night but I declined.

06-04-12, 18:20
Hi hun
I think you are worrying needlessly.... I too was prescribed these last year (10mg) for crippling lower back pain although I have been suffering depression and anxiety which is made worse by the pain:blush: I said I didn't want anti-ds and doc said they didn't prescribe them any more for that and were used as a muscle relaxant for pain. I too, like your dad, do enjoy a wine or three or four in the evening:blush: and to kill the pain I've increased my dose to 20mg. The only side effect I've experienced is that its difficult to wake up in the mornings! Recently stopped taking them for a week and found myself waking at a respectable 7.30/8am so I wouldn't be too concerned about your dad. Can you talk to his GP to set your mind at rest?:bighug1:

06-04-12, 18:37
Hi Paula, don't know if this will help any, but my ex mum-in-law was prescribed these to 'help her sleep'.....she is in her 80's and has had a knee replacement but is also having probs with her hip now so she doesn't sleep well because of the pain. Well, I was horrified when I googled them and wondered why she had been prescribed anti-d's....needless to say I discovered it was (a) to ease the pain and (b) they do have a sedative effect, so would help with the sleeping. I believe she has had some relief on them. It's a tough call for you. Hard to say what to do, but you could explain all this to your dad or his lady friend to help them understand why he may need to continue to take them.

So sorry you are consumed with guilt and worry....hope you find the best way forward with this and you can relax and feel some relief yourself :hugs:

Take care, Kitti :)

paula lynne
07-04-12, 12:53
Thanks so much all of you for taking the time to reply. I had no idea they were prescribed as a painkiller and to aid sleep (just goes to show Ive been out of the nursing loop a while haha). I think I will explain to dad that they are not for depression and anxiety, but to help him sleep and to help his pain. In that case, if he takes them along with codiene, I really need to find a way of asking him to be careful of the amount of alcohol he is drinking. I really appreciate your help all of you, thanks so much xxx

angel wings
07-04-12, 13:15
hi paula

i was perscibed them as a musle relaxant as i had aches and pains and to help me get a good nights sleep only 10mg at night xx

07-04-12, 13:33
I was also prescribed these for my IBS.

Apparently a small dose can be taken when all other IBS medication has failed.

I declined to take them being as I didn't like the possible side effects.

Is it worth your while chatting to his GP?


07-04-12, 16:09
Hi Paula, maybe just explain to him that they aren't used for depression-related things anymore and that you got the wrong end of the stick and that they are indeed for his pain relief.
Then perhaps ask his lady friend what she thinks about the drinking and just ask her to keep an eye out to make sure he doesn't drink too much or mix it up with the meds too much.

Hope you are ok :) x

07-04-12, 16:16
Hi Paula Lynne and everyone,
I have just had a look at my hubbys meds as amtrip rang a bell.
He is taking them too. i thought they were for depression . looking at the leaflet I am surprised as what it reads.I don't think he is depressed,but he has a lot of pain with his arthritis,and has ---a few weeks ago had keyhole surgery on his knee.
He can go to sleep any time of day. He is alo taking co-codamol.
I think the GP must have told him what the Amitrip was for as I did not go into the gps with him.but he gets a bit mixed up:lac: I will go in with him next time just to ask myself.
Thank you for bringing the subject up and for all the posts.
Paula, Take care, don't worry you cannot alter things however much you try
Lots Love

paula lynne
09-04-12, 12:09
Thanks Magic, Im glad the post has encouraged you to go with hubby to the docs to make sure everything is clear as to why he is taking them. Thanks to all members for insightful info, cheers x

09-04-12, 12:52
I read recently that amitrip isnt prescribed for depression anymore but as a pain killer so maybe thats why your dad has them


No, it's still prescribed for depression, particularly when accompanied by anxiety due to it's sedative properties. Probably not prescribed by GP's much though. :)