View Full Version : need rational explanation for my symptoms

06-04-12, 21:11
Hi, I'm new to the site.

I've been suffering with anxiety for almost 2 years now...Initially experiencing very deep feelings of unreality (DP)....now it's my health!!

I keep getting weird stabbing / shooting pains in my head that last a few seconds then stop.
Lots of pressure feelings in my head
Dizziness and sometimes head rushes like just before you faint (I have never passed out with these feelings).
Headaches quite frequently.
I've convinced myself that I have a brain tumour (seems quite common after browsing this site) . All my symptoms are common BT ones but my GP says they are also very common anxiety symptoms - I can't seem to rationalize how anxiety causes shooting pains in your head (only on the left or right side of my head) and dizziness (I never hyperventilate either).
Can anyone offer any advice / reassurance?
Thank you x

06-04-12, 21:17
Hi honester

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

princess & the pea
08-04-12, 22:11
Hi there I'm new to this site too, so far so good hopefully u will get a lot of advice and support that u need, I can't say I have had any shooting pains in my head but I do suffer with migrains and those head rushes I too convinced myself I had a brain tumor but only because I typed my symptoms into google I am currently trying to stay away from doing this because it only makes matters worse, I'm sure you will be ok try not to worry, I know it's hard but try not to consult dr google & trust your doctor x

08-04-12, 23:25
We've seen all of those and more here! Anxiety can cause anything really. DP must be the worst feeling there is. It's in my top 3 with nausia and dizziness. The shooting pains are commonly caused by spasms in the muscles around your jaw and over the skull because you are tensing them. I have never once hyperventilated either, it's one of those symptoms people have made a hallmark of anxiety but not everyone has that symptom.
If you really feel there is something wrong, you can go back to your doctor and he may refer you on if it is necessary, but he will know best what to do.
Take care :)

08-04-12, 23:53
Hi there and :welcome:

I think you've probably answered your own question by saying you've been suffering from anxiety for almost 2 years. The symptoms you're describing can all be caused by anxiety and you'll see a lot of people on here describing the same ones.

Follow PanchoGoz's advice. Try to distract yourself and I can guarantee the symptoms will alleviate. If you start to feel worse, go and see your GP.

Take care


08-04-12, 23:59
Hi & :welcome:

I have to agree with all of the above...anxiety can cause many symptoms including those you have mentioned....I think a trip to the doc for some extra re-assurance is in order. You will also find lots of helpful advice & friendly people here.

Take care, Kitti :)

09-04-12, 10:22
Thank you all for the reassurance, I've spent a lot of time with my GP who says he is not worried about me and that all my symptoms are anxiety related. I suppose it's something that I'll have to accept as part and parcel of it - Just so un nerving when you have a strange pain in your head! ..but if you guys also experience this then the chances of us all having a serious illness is pretty slim!
To make matters worse I am a nurse so I deal with a lot of traumatic situations and have too much knowledge on board! - I think that is why I need rational answers for everything because in my world symptoms are attached to illness!
I'll plod on with my head pains and try to distract myself from them as best as i can!
Thank again .....it helps so much when you know your not alone :)