View Full Version : Mild & mysterious headaches

07-04-12, 00:08
I posted a little earlier today about mild , mysterious headaches & I REALLY HOPE that SOMEONE, ANYONE will respond. P.S. just want to add that with MILD headache , there is an ODD SENSATION THAT IS NOT PAIN. Kind of like tickling. Very hard to describe. PLEASE RESPOND ASAP. Thank You!

07-04-12, 00:12
Hi there

Just make your previous post active by posting on it again so people see it in the active list

07-04-12, 10:38
I had this too...drove me mad, thought it had a tumour ect ect! GP did a quick check on me and said that most of it was due to being so tense and stressed out all my muscles were tensing up around my neck and shoulders causing the headaches. have a hot bath or go for massage, see if that helps.

07-04-12, 17:24
For the past few months I had weird head pain that would ALWAYS happen in the same place, especially when I was exerting myself so I assumed I was going to die of a brain aneurysm. When my doctor realised that I wasn't going to accept that it was muscle tension he referred me for an MRI. The results came back normal the other day and I've never felt so silly. 90% of headaches are harmless and have no obvious cause. Localised tingling in the scalp area can be associated with muscle tension. Brain tumor headaches are worse in the morning and get steadily better as the day goes on. They are almost always accompanied by at least one other neurological symptom (vision problems, balance, etc) but sometimes knowing the symptoms can make you feel worse as you will start to experience them if you obsess over them. Try to relax, go to a GP if you haven't already and listen to him/her no matter how worried you are: they know what they are talking about!

07-04-12, 20:05
Ok hi thankful for responses to my post. Took while to get response & so posted again. Nicola suggested making previous post active again by posting on it again so people can see it in active list. I don't know how to post on it again . Can someone tell me how? Also, I notice when I get response there's 3 little things that say : MR or QR or quote . What are they for? I clicked on either MR or QR, forget which one & there was a blank area in which to type. What are those 3 things? Thank You.

08-04-12, 17:15
Hi Sharrison!

I also get mild, weird head pain (posted a couple of days ago too)

It is localised and feels like it's not to far into the head, ie on the scalp...

The pain generally lasts for around 2-5 seconds, and it can happen various times throughout the day. Though I have noticed that a) they increase when I am hot and bothered 2) funnily enough (!) when I don't think about them I don't even pay attention to them.

I have been to the GP and he didn't seem concerned AT ALL- he sort of fobbed me off (even started checking his email in the middle! the cheek!) and said not to worry, they're associated with tension, and as long as I'm not experiencing weight loss/ nauseousness then I'm probably fine. Goes without saying that I am still totally stressed out over these "pains" and still imagine every possible scenario (ie, brain tumour)

Does this sound like what you've been experiencing?

08-04-12, 21:44
Hi Rachel, yea it founds similar. It's been happening for 9 months .& was told that if it was tumor, that by now I'd have more serious, worsening symptoms , so that helps me. Also yes, I've noticed that if I'm distracted enough, I don't really notice it, although I know it's not ALL IN MY MIND. There are sinus issues too which contribute to this , but it's true the more anxious I am the more heàd issues I have. I live in U.S. & REALLY NEED support group, but due to anxiety cant get out too much. That's why this site us good for me. Thank You for your response! It does help me. Susan .