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View Full Version : Am i a Hypercondriac?

07-04-12, 12:39
This could take a while!
My agoraphobia, i have good days and bad, very bad. I always need to know if help can get to me, always seem to base where I'm going to where the nearest hospital is! I actually have 999 on speed dial. i was really on top of it up to the end of 2010 but boxing day i woke up fibrillating and ended up at a & e. Since then its been a constant battle as the doctors have no idea what caused it so i keep worrying about it and if it will come back or kill me!
Prior to the fibrillation had stopped seeing therapists but i had done hypo, cbt, all sorts even had a faith healer once who just stood in front of me doing some weird dance!!LOL.
But since the fibrillation I've been all over the place mentally constantly worrying about every ache and pain and believing the worst. Catastrophsing (i know thats not spelt right) about every situation.
well you get the general idea.

08-04-12, 00:56
I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling like that! being a hypochondriac means having a preoccupation with getting ill but since you had this bad experience it is understandable how this might have sparked your anxiety. You might not have full blown health anxiety yet but it can become a vicious cycle of symptoms and worrying. I would suggest you go talk to your GP about getting further tests done, just to reassure yourself before the anxiety spirals out of control!