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View Full Version : Mild flu type virus

07-04-12, 19:06
I seem to have picked up a flu type virus my daughter brought home from work at the preschool:mad:
Its making me feel really lousy ans extremely anxious as its brought on my dreaded pvc's as mentioned in another post.
I just want to feel better but I feel with my HA it seems so much worse which is a pain cause I was going through a quite good stage!
As I type my heart is doing flips :weep::weep:

How o you all cope in this situation.?


08-04-12, 07:48

Ive had the same problem the last few months...kids eh? I had a really bad virus a few weeks back and it was a nightmare...I presume I got it from my son. There's nothing worse feeling sick when you have kids to look after.
I had to keep my son off school for two days as I didn't have the energy to take him whilst pushing my 6mth old around in the pushchair.

My heart goes funny when I'm unwell, also I have really bad anxiety when sick as well. They and drink lots of fluids, herbal teas,.....take vitamin c!

It will pass....
