View Full Version : Cure for loose stools?

07-04-12, 20:31
Anybody know a cure for loose stool/sticky/diarrhea type? Is there any methods which work for everybody. Do I need more water/more bread anything like that to cure it? And how much can anxiety affect it?

07-04-12, 20:33
Have you tried fybogel?

07-04-12, 20:38
Have you tried fybogel?

Only tried buscopan not that one above.

I'm trying to find some natural methods non med. I know some tea's can be of use? Purchased a smoothie marker today aswell.

I need a cure as it's a bit of an inconvenience.

07-04-12, 20:38
Immodium works for emergencies, but isnt really a long term thing. If you are getting it all the time then you would need to look at your diet to see if something is causing it, maybe something you eat that is disagreeing with you and causing it ? also Buscopan which is for IBS can help.

07-04-12, 20:41
Immodium works for emergencies, but isnt really a long term thing. If you are getting it all the time then you would need to look at your diet to see if something is causing it, maybe something you eat that is disagreeing with you and causing it ? also Buscopan which is for IBS can help.

Yes I'm sort of keen to avoid the Immodium as it masks the problem. Also if it is something diet related I'd rather eat more healthy to be more healthy. There's a few things I can pin point as being worse but it's hard to keep a diary as I can eat healthy one day but still get the problem, but eat curry and not get any issues but generally curry is worse.

I have corn flakes in the morning which seems high in fibre I find I need to do fairly soon after. Should I look at some sort of food intolerance testing?

07-04-12, 20:45
Might be worth it just in case it is an allergy or something, generally anything spicy or very rich won't help, so try and stick to really plain food

07-04-12, 20:54
Guess it's not a good idea to google last week it was bowel obstructions this time it says loose stools can mean a liver failure?

07-04-12, 22:19
Did you ever read my PM Phil as you keep ignoring me when I ask

07-04-12, 23:16
Did you ever read my PM Phil as you keep ignoring me when I ask

Coeliac disease? Well it's throw of the dice is it piles, IBS, Crohn's disease I don't think all these diagnosis are much use to me. All comes down to diet. I'm pretty sure I could cure all my anxiety if I stopped labeling each symptom or disorder like OCD, IBS ect. I've had the odd PM over the years saying your issue could be this or that and years ago doctors tried to see if I had aspergers.

End of the day I need to get back to living my life. I know I have issues but I do remember when I had none. I reckon people with no anxiety are able to brush off stomach upsets or flu or whatever it is and let it pass without worry which is where I am aiming to be.

08-04-12, 00:08
i had that for some time i found it was because i was eating to much fat in my diet
i cut out the fat and after a week i am back to normal
in my case it was pringles i would eat a dupe of them all to myself every night
and on top of that i had chips 2 or 3 times a week

08-04-12, 00:33
i had that for some time i found it was because i was eating to much fat in my diet
i cut out the fat and after a week i am back to normal
in my case it was pringles i would eat a dupe of them all to myself every night
and on top of that i had chips 2 or 3 times a week

It's hard to be totally healthy. I do eat chips most nights so maybe that won't help. Can you still eat some things bad for you?

I think I would be happy to try maybe 5 out of 7 days being healthy and hope for some improvement some days so I know it's the rubbish foods causing it. There's not much I can eat as I am quite fussy so it's hard to be totally healthy.

08-04-12, 02:17
Get a referral to a dietitian then Phil and get it sorted

08-04-12, 16:50
Your diet really needs sorting.

Add fybogel/ natural fibre into your diet. Maybe Allbran/fruit etc and hopefully it will improve.

08-04-12, 17:54
If you are eating chips most nights this is probably part of the problem, apart from making you fat, and any heart problems that amount of fat could cause, they arent good to eat every day, particularly if you are eating curries and other junk food with them.

08-04-12, 22:33
Tonight I had some potatoes, last night some diluted juice and gave some time between meals and maybe not overly healthy inbetween but tried some relaxation. Today the stools have been more solid. Makes me wonder how much of it is a psychological thing as it's been weeks since a solid one?

10-04-12, 13:45
I'd just like to add I've pin pointed the corn flakes as a possible cause of "needing to go" and loose stool. On the other hand toast doesn't but it has to be white bread the brown bread has the opposite effect.

So is it maybe best to avoid the foods that make me go, maybe cut it down to one or two days a week?

10-04-12, 14:55
do what i did m8 cut out all fat for a week and you will see the difference