View Full Version : Pain in my ankle area.

07-04-12, 20:39
Was the weirdest thing i woke up this morning as some one was knocking at the door went to stand up then i felt the sharpest pain in my ankle (Just below the ankle bone) its really really sore atm and getting the odd stabbing pain.

I went to bed last night and it was great no pain whatsoever.

Worried in case it could be anything serious, should i have a trip to the A+E or should i try and wait it out and see if it gets any better?

Foot feels all painy and pins and needles across the bottom.

07-04-12, 20:56
Do you have any swelling?

It sounds like you could have trapped a nerve or stood on it funny?

I wouldn't rush to the A&E for it. I might give the NHS direct a quick call just to put your mind at ease though.

Please keep us updated.

07-04-12, 21:41
Hi thanks for the reply no bruising or swelling of any kind.

And it only really hurts when i put weight on it its just a twingy pain thats on off when i have it rested.

But i can't understand what would have caused it since it was great when i went to bed.

08-04-12, 10:34
How is it today?

08-04-12, 11:19
Hi there,

Something very similar happened to me a few years ago and it was really painful. It went away on its own though I still get the occasional twinge. I put it down to a trapped nerve.

If yours carries on, pop and see your GP to be on the safe side.

Pip c