View Full Version : How can you tell...?

07-04-12, 23:06
I've got a bit of an odd question. How do you tell if you're creating problems due to anxiety, or if the problems are actually real? :shrug:

I seem to create problems for myself (other people tell me so, anyway). My partner often tells me that he doesn't think there's anything wrong with the way things are, yet I manage to find problems to bring up.

How can you tell whether a problem actually exists, or whether it's just a product of your anxiety? Is there even a way?

I really want to stop self-sabotaging and just enjoy things as they are, without worrying so much...

07-04-12, 23:13
You dont know...i guess its a mixture of both though....even without anx, day to day problems will occur.... and with anx, you read into silly things more, and make problems of things you probably shouldnt !!
Can you recall if things that bother you now, would be the same before you had anxiety? Did you let things bother you as much before anxiety? probably not....

07-04-12, 23:25
Before my anxiety started I was such a happy-go-lucky type of person and tended to just live in the present and I believed the future held promise. Now I tend to dread the future and constantly look for ways to make it 'perfect'!

I wish I was still like that now. Unfortunately that was many years ago and I don't know if I'll ever get back to being like that!